Henry thinks he's rather clever
When he claims to be the very best ever
But when he claims to be the best
It gives us all some time to jest
The very best ever? The answer to that is simply "NEVER".
I was wondering if you would like to play a Match game against me? I
appreciate your comments in my thread because you are a non-believer.
Sometimes I don't believe it myself, but then when I look at my record
of 93.3% wins, I have to consider that maybe its true. I will be honest
with you sir. I have no idea if I am the best player of all time, who
has ever lived. But if you look at all the comments from other
people, that I've saved and posted on my Profile page, many people think
I am pretty darn good (maybe the best). At one time I thought I was,
then I had a bad game, nothing went right and i lost that game in the
extra hole. It broke my 800+ game winning streak. I was devastated,
knowing that even "I" can have a bad day. Was it a bad day or is the
myth and rumors in the WGT community that I am the best player of all time, who has ever lived, just POSSIBLY,
not true?