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there has to be a penalty for quitting!

Sat, Jul 30 2011 7:49 AM (5 replies)
  • Holmeslice
    7 Posts
    Sun, Jul 24 2011 7:42 PM

    It takes some time to get into a game with 4 ppl, and seems like every game, 2 ppl quit after they make ONE bogey.  

    THEN, ur stuck playing with 2 ppl...which is like match just sucks.

    Put a mark by their name if they quit a when you are getting into a game, you can tell early and not get into a game with them.

    There has to be a penalty for quitting. Golf is about sticking to it and fighting thru adversity...everyone on here just runs from it....and it hurts the game!



  • Tinatuoppi
    2 Posts
    Tue, Jul 26 2011 11:13 AM

    I agree totally. I´ve had experience of people quitting in blitz games as soon as they hit a bad shot, even in the first holes. I just can´t understand them. Others may and will have trouble also and how can you learn anything if you quit so soon? Usually these are beginners who do this. Most of the more experienced players try until the end and have respect for the  one who´s winning that time and don´t ruin the game by quitting. There should be a button or something to act on these quitters so they will get bad publicity so others can avoid them. It shouldn´t be too difficult technically and wgt could easily check if someone has quit because of technical problem and teel it wasn´t the palyers fault that time. There are plenty of technical problems here as we all know. I know I should´t complain about a free game that is very good, but some of us have spent a lot of money on clubs which cost almost as much as the real ones...

  • ClarkX
    21 Posts
    Thu, Jul 28 2011 10:08 PM

    I too agree with these members.  It just hurts everyone when a player just ups and quitsk, especially when they don't even have the courtesy to tell you when they are leaving.  I got called out for this and rightfully so. I made a promise to that member that I would not do it again.  Come, if a person quits there has to be a penalty, perhaps applied against their average as it seems that is what they are trying to protect. Players who quit should have to sit out a certain amount of games until they learn.

  • JonnyHurricane
    5 Posts
    Fri, Jul 29 2011 12:49 AM

    Tottaly agreed this is a sport not a hustle and flow matter! You should learn to play proper, besides how can you get better if you always quit? ........ Quick question for everyone?! I truly think there should be a way where everyone can practice each hole on every course as a individual hole all by its self. This way they can practice each hole for every course to get it down to a art! This could also be good for the WGT profits! You see the more your players play the more they use good balls and any good player on wgt knows they need good equipment to at least play a descent game! So in this way the more we practice the more we spend,! Although the better we get and i'm sure everyone would love to be able to practice their par 3 shots and tough holes that always seem to get them, specially when they half to wait to get to that hole to only have one chance to guess at there shot?! :( please let me know what you think! Feel free to copy and past this in any proper spot needed to be seen! Have fun golfing! "JonnyHurricane"    

  • tiffer67
    1,764 Posts
    Fri, Jul 29 2011 7:14 AM


    There has to be a penalty for quitting. Golf is about sticking to it and fighting thru adversity...everyone on here just runs from it....and it hurts the game!

    I agree, however recently I have been booted out of the game on numerous occasions for no good reason. Fine when playing on my own, absolutely infuriating when playing in a mode that does not allow you to reconnect and continue with your playing partner/s.

  • yupik
    15 Posts
    Sat, Jul 30 2011 7:49 AM


    It takes some time to get into a game with 4 ppl, and seems like every game, 2 ppl quit after they make ONE bogey.  

    THEN, ur stuck playing with 2 ppl...which is like match just sucks.

    Put a mark by their name if they quit a when you are getting into a game, you can tell early and not get into a game with them.

    There has to be a penalty for quitting. Golf is about sticking to it and fighting thru adversity...everyone on here just runs from it....and it hurts the game!



    golf is a game of honesty and integrity and fair play these shot and putting meters left that out!!!