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New Courses

Thu, Mar 7 2019 2:14 PM (21 replies)
  • DufferDuce
    96 Posts
    Sat, Nov 3 2018 11:32 PM

    Hey WGT, how about some new courses?  Roumour had it a few months ago that Wolf Creek was going to become a full 18 holes. I'd love to see that happen.  In fact any of your current Blitz courses going to a full 18 hole course would be GREAT. 

    Please ANY new courses will be appreciated.  If you introduce new courses, you'll get players paying more and buying more balls, equipment etc.  The whole point for WGT, isn't it.  To get us to spend our money.



  • fireman33
    2,692 Posts
    Sun, Nov 4 2018 10:03 AM

    promises promises. Heck just some new pin placements on the ones we have would make a different game. 4 pin placements on every course we have now would change the game a bunch..... club tournaments could be set just like the pros 4 rounds 4 pins.  just my 2 cents

    There is a lot of things that could change to make a better game. Like hitting a ball in the water who in their right mind is going to drop a ball behind a tree in 40/50% rough. Line of sight wgt not in the rough or behind a tree. I have already lost one ball now you want another.

  • gonfission
    2,268 Posts
    Sun, Nov 4 2018 10:04 AM

    If you introduce new courses, you'll get players paying more and buying more balls, equipment etc.  The whole point for WGT, isn't it.  To get us to spend our money.

    Now there's a business school graduate, right there.

    As a drop out, I advise you to NOT hold your breath.


  • Williams01210021
    1,232 Posts
    Sun, Nov 4 2018 11:01 AM

    Wolf Creek is coming out soon which is great. It will be interesting to see how many pin placements they have done for it. If its only 1 then wgt might as well just shut down now as clearly the people running it dont have a clue. So lets hope for 2 or more as it is a must. For the amount of time it takes for a new course to only do 1 lot of pins is crazy. If done well a correct set of different pins can make the whole course play different and add more variety which is what the majority of players want. Golden rule should be minimum 2 pins from now on.

    Also it would be great for them to already be out taking photos of another new course for next year. One new course isn't going to be enough. It will just get drained in the first few months then people will be back to square one again. They dont need to go to any fancy course, just get working on a new one now. 

    The full course of bandon is due for 2020 so they have time to get a couple more done next year and really refresh the game for alot of the old school players. 

    I think they are missing a big trick in not finding a course that is a 27 course (3 loops of 9). Im a member of one like this myself in the Uk. So much better than just a standard 18 holes as you can really mix it up. If they can find a course like that to do it would be a great addition to the game and you would be getting more than one course really due to the mixtures of the 3 loops. 

  • DufferDuce
    96 Posts
    Mon, Nov 5 2018 7:23 AM

    GREAT reply. And great suggestion.  Now if only we could get the folks at WGT to actually listen to and act on some of our suggestions.

    I've also suggested that if it is a big deal with the legal spegal and cost of incorporating BIG name courses, then whey not simply do the drone work at some very local city (name your city) courses.  I am sure that ANY city in the world would be anxious to have their course featured on WGT.  It would give a tremendous amount of variety.  Golfers like variety, new challenges etc.


  • AgentBrown123
    907 Posts
    Mon, Nov 5 2018 9:16 AM

    we've been asking for new pin placements for years. Unlikely as the game declines for them to do that now.

    Also, keep in mind they can't simply add more pins. They would have to travel back to the course and take more pictures of the green to add al the reverse side views to every putt and distance. Scoping the greens is one of the most time consuming things they have to do which is why they only include one pin placement on most courses. Also, if they don't take the second shooting all at the same time, the greens would look way different from view to view. Wouldn't work I don't think.

    Bring on the new courses!

  • derekortt
    683 Posts
    Mon, Nov 5 2018 6:34 PM


    GREAT reply. And great suggestion.  Now if only we could get the folks at WGT to actually listen to and act on some of our suggestions.

    I've also suggested that if it is a big deal with the legal spegal and cost of incorporating BIG name courses, then whey not simply do the drone work at some very local city (name your city) courses.  I am sure that ANY city in the world would be anxious to have their course featured on WGT.  It would give a tremendous amount of variety.  Golfers like variety, new challenges etc.


    You want to see 18 hole scores in the mid 40s? That's what will happen if we are able to start playing muni courses here. Low 50s are required to win anything on US Open courses

  • Bowl64
    3,121 Posts
    Tue, Nov 6 2018 1:52 AM

    As stated before by me and many others, new courses please! Yes, Wolf Creek is coming but that isn`t nearly enough. Set at least 3 of the CTTH-courses free to begin with, then add Cabo & Whistler and you`ll see a dramatic increase of rounds increasing sales of balls and probably other equipment too.

    Why not make this thread a "permanent" one for all members of WGT, one post a day per member until WGT gets the message. Read, listen, and act WGT!



  • pmm711
    5,808 Posts
    Tue, Nov 6 2018 5:03 AM
    I believe its been stated by Champion that Wolf Creek is getting released with only one pin location per hole. If that’s the case then WGT definitely dropped the ball. Especially since they spent a bunch of time there taking additional photos. One day they’ll figure it out. I mean get all the pics when you’re there and dedicated to the cause. It’s hard enough to get there once. Return pic taking efforts are tougher to plan.
  • DufferDuce
    96 Posts
    Wed, Nov 7 2018 12:33 PM

    I really don't care what the scores are. I'd simply like to see some new courses and some more variety.  Ok so if there are low scores and consequently players are able to quickly lower their averages and thereby move up to higher levels more quickly, then that makes available more equipment. And I'm sure from a dollars and cents (common sense that is) point of view, this would be right up WGT's alley.

    Besides I'm currently at Legend Tier, Level 102 with a 63.27 average. And I have very little desire to move up and thereby incur harder putting greens and all the rest that goes with moving up the Tier board. So consequently, I simply play mostly 'Practice' rounds, as they aren't incorporated into the players average calculation. And a practice round can be made about as easy or as challenging as you want to make it.  I play for the fun of playing. I'm not looking to have my name on the leader board.

    Thanks for all the input.
