Goedemoed: I can see many players leaving especially new comers that are not able to upgrade and compete with the rest of the wgt members
New-comers won't even know there was a glitch :D
No " dog in this fight "....but
I honestly thought after the update cokk-up that initiated the Glitch,WGT thought..
" It does take a ridiculous amount of time to get through the levels from 90 -> 100+ so instead of us trying to change the points needed amounts..( who knows what could go wrong )..let's leave this and everyones a winner "
After all, you can get a 282 yrd driver at L79 then not need another until L96 ( Which could take 2 / 3 years ) and by that time, you should know enough to win required credits to buy it free. Not so if chasing levels with the Glitch, might have to come out of the real world wallet !!
Can see both sides of the argument, for and against but what is baffling to me comes from a purely business minded perspective...
The Premier memberships and CC passes alone that will not now be purchased, would have had me thinking twice or even 3 times on this decision.