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League for Nation + Champions League + Final Bracket Tournament

Fri, Jul 12 2019 1:09 PM (791 replies)
  • pierolitfiba
    6,844 Posts
    Mon, Nov 19 2018 5:09 AM

    Sorry only Champion/Tour Champion Tier

    Every sponsorship will be welcome 😍😍😍😍😍

    The registrations will end 31th December................the tournament will start Monday 7th January.

    Fase 1 Qualify rounds

    Fase 2 Leaderboard/Table for Nation

    Fase 2 bis Mini-tourney Nation

    Fase 3 Leaderboard/Table Champions League

    Fase 3 bis Mini-tourney Champions League

    Fase 4 Bracket

    Final Rank


    1st   place 8000 credits

    2nd  place 5000 credits

    losers semifinals 3500 credits

    losers quarter 2500 credits

    PHASE 1

    All participants will be divided according to their national flag.
    Each country must have at least 8 players otherwise they will play in the rest of the world (ROW).
    There will be 5 qualifying rounds that we will play by exploiting the Wk of WGT (9 hole single play even mode), it will start with the Wk2 of 2019 up to Wk6.
    The best 8 classified in each country will advance to phase 2.
    In case of a parity, it will count:
    1) best score round 5 then round 4 etc etc etc
    2) precedence in registration
    But only the best 8 Nations will enter phase 2, we will look at the total score of the best 8 players in each country.
    In case of a tie the best total score of the 9th player will be taken etc etc etc

    PHASE 2

    All qualified players will play in their national league in round Robin where they will play 7 games. (from Wk7 to Wk13 9 hole single play even mode)
    The points will be so assigned:
    Win 5 points
    Tie 3 points
    Loss 2 points
    NP / WD / NE 0 points
    At the end of the 7 games in case of a tie it will count:
    1) result direct match
    2) more rounds played
    3) best total score
    4) precedence in registration
    The best 4 classified of each league will advance to the 3rd phase.

    PHASE 3

    Depending from average the 32 players will be grouped into 4  leagues of 8 players where they will play 7 round Robin match. (from Wk14 to Wk20 9 hole single play uneven mode)
    Win 5 points
    Tie 3 points
    Loss 2 points
    NP / WD / NE 0 points
    In case of tie it will account:
    1) result direct match
    2) more rounds Played
    3) best total score
    4) precedence in registration

    The best 4 classified in each group will advance to the 4th phase.

    PHASE 4

    There remain the best 16 players in the tournament that will enter the Bracket (it will be created depending points earned and average) where we will leave the Wk of WGT and play in match play mode.
    Knowck out -----> Merion front 9 even mode
    Quarter final ----> Erin back 9 uneven mode
    Semifinal ..........> Chambers front 9 even mode
    Final --------------> Wolf Creek 18 hole uneven mode

    Round not played will be scored:

    55 if Par5

    45 if Par4

    35 if Par3

    The registrations are open


  • pierolitfiba
    6,844 Posts
    Mon, Nov 19 2018 5:22 AM


    1) Pierolitfiba   ITA 1

    2) Wasagojii   ROW 1

    3) Giraldin   ESP 1

    4) Tamsach   ITA 2

    5) Tiptoptoppin   UK 1

    6) Beryman USA 1

    7) Currin11 ESP 2

    8) Dazza501 UK 2

    9) Deanbarr CAN 1

    10) Kylander GER 1

    11) Farfoo UK 3

    12) Birchi GER 2

    13) Andivo ITA 3

    14) Rsilverbullet USA 2

    15) Wontonamo AUSTRALIA 1

    16) Mikee672 USA 3

    17) Frenchconnect USA 4

    18) Lisa03 USA 5

    19) Psychodad2 ROW 2

    20) Lutjanid AUSTRALIA 2

    21) Bluey403 AUSTRALIA 3

    22) Kdownunder AUSTRALIA 4

    23) Cappiest CAN 2

    24) Seganti ITA 4

    25) Wigertoods2010 UK 4

    26) Young46 USA 6

    27) Duda51 ROW 3

    28) Kavvz CAN 3

    29) Williams01210021 UK 5

    30) Liero78 ITA 5

    31) Schaldemose ROW 4

    32) Tanapard ROW 5

    33) Millatrotta ITA 6

    34) Darek2 USA 7

    35) Fmagnets UK 6

    36) Greygolf ROW 6

    37) Unomaverick17 USA 8

    38) Rl2203 ROW 7

    39) Woodoworkery USA 9

    40) Mgb01 ESP 3

    41) Tallacepaul UK 7

    42) Javito1 ROW 8

    43) Forrrrrrrr AUSTRALIA 5

    44) Stefke1969 ROW 9

    45) Hanstest ROW 10

    46) Easyrider1963 USA 10

    47) Bmw316 ROW 11

    48) Cnovak2 USA 11

    49) Nightnerd USA 12

    50) Walkoflife CAN 4

    51) Herjavimi ESP 4

    52) 19cltc67 UK 8

    53) Plumbology USA 13

    54) Triple000 AUSTRALIA 6

    55) Ri99 ESP 5

    56) Jayw4862 USA 14

    57) Poldimaier GER 3

    58) Asphaltpirat GER 4

    59) Mainzman GER 5

    60) Wutpa CAN 5

    61) Ostfriedel GER 6

    62) Joemaverick ROW 12

    63) Paulleftypaul CAN 6

    64) Moewood1 CAN 7

    65) Kostjason GER 7

    66) 1963bubba GER 8

    67) Mingos01 ESP 6

    68) Jaroslaw ROW 13

    69) Peterjock AUSTRALIA  7

    70) Amisz0 ROW 14

    71) Kiribiki35 ESP 7

    72) Faberv ITA 7

    73) Alex62 GER 9

    74) Ciombo89play ITA 8

    75) Francobaldini ITA 9

    76) Xz05fm AUSTRALIA 8

    77) Tanneralis AUSTRALIA 9

    78) Mitik2 ITA 10

    79) Liam91 UK 9

    80) Tsunamisaint AUSTRALIA 10

    81) Grace07 AUSTRALIA 11

    82) 1966marktowin GER 10

    83) Yamahag235 GER 11

    84) Kadyman CAN 8

    85) Keplere ESP 8

    86) Lonnieskinner USA 15

    87) Columbusstorm USA 16

    88) Grish72 GER 12

    89) Gorfll CAN 9

    90) Sschmid GER 13

    91) 44sirfier44 GER 14

    92) Kuzorraserbe GER 15

    93) Bombur ITA 11

    94) Martin333 ROW 15

    95) Gyrene120 USA 17

    96) Spazzstick CAN 10

    97) Llllloyd88 USA 18

    98) Theknack UK 10

    99) Jcasty70 ESP 9

    100) Verdexon AUSTRALIA 12

    101) Scullsie AUSTRALIA 13

    102) Pakrack USA 19

    103) France1281 ITA 12

    104) Alain760 ROW 16

    105) Hanneton ROW 17

    106) Gabsou ROW 18

    107) Bibou71 ROW 19

    108) Tricky1066 ROW 20

    109) Garbreen ROW 21

    110) Kilcourse1975 ROW 22

    111) Shanks181 ROW 23

    112) Sobiss USA 20

    113) Dougie4042 USA 21

    114) Hooksmcgilligan USA 22

    115) Jmugsy1 ROW 24

    116) Onekeano ROW 25

    117) Paulfinn52 UK 11

    118) Amateur4sure UK 12

    119) Mantis0014 AUSTRALIA 14

    120) Scarecrow2805 ROW 26

    121) Hkharroubi1 ROW 27

    122) Blades1964 UK 13

    123) Golfx3 USA 23

    124) Rfpoul USA 24

    125) Donpand CAN 11

    126) Colfors ROW 28

    127) Eglleftcoast USA 25

    128) Metsjik ROW 29

  • pierolitfiba
    6,844 Posts
    Mon, Nov 19 2018 5:23 AM


    Birchi     10.000 cr ????????????????????

    Andivo   1.000 cr + 2.000 cr

    Yamahag235   500 cr

  • wasagojii
    1,358 Posts
    Mon, Nov 19 2018 7:52 AM
    count me in Carlo , thanks
  • tiptopTOPPIN
    1,196 Posts
    Mon, Nov 19 2018 8:13 AM
    make that 2 Carlo...thanks
  • giraldin
    3,712 Posts
    Mon, Nov 19 2018 8:36 AM

    Hello Carlo, great as always. Count on me

    I do not know how many Spanish players will get the information of this great tournament, but I can tell you that in Los Cerros de Ubeda CC, there will be someone who wants to play, currin11 is its president


  • Tamsach
    2,823 Posts
    Mon, Nov 19 2018 8:43 AM

    Ciao Carlo, I was just waiting for this! May I play? Byeeeee

  • Beryman
    9,100 Posts
    Mon, Nov 19 2018 9:09 AM

    please add me to the list Carlo

  • currin11
    636 Posts
    Mon, Nov 19 2018 9:30 AM

    Hi Carlo.

    Count on me for the tournament.

    I have told my teammates in my club and I hope that someone else will sign up



  • DAZZA501
    5,972 Posts
    Mon, Nov 19 2018 9:32 AM
    Count me in please