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Sand calculation

Fri, Nov 18 2022 6:10 PM (28 replies)
  • fobby1980
    310 Posts
    Mon, Nov 19 2018 1:24 PM

    Right now I’m using the following formulas for sand shots: 

    10-15%  x1.05

    20-30%  x1.1

    30-40%  x1.2

    40-50%  x1.3

    50-60%  x1.5

    However I still get the feelings that these calculations are not optimal. 

    Does anyone have another way to calculate distance from sand?

  • SeveFrost
    1,615 Posts
    Tue, Nov 20 2018 3:11 AM

    fobby, im assuming you have the best cleveland 64 wedge so these are my calculations for the greenside sand you'll most find yourself in........


    20-30 - add Five Yards

    30-40 - add Ten Yards

    40-50 - add Fifteen Yards



    as i mostly use the ten credit distance balls i hit the bunker shots on full backspin, but using a better ball you probably won't need to add the BS

  • LLLlloyd88
    179 Posts
    Tue, Nov 20 2018 9:05 AM

    Play a practice round with low wind and hit shots from the sand at 100%, 95%, 90%..etc. and note the landing and roll out distance and write it down. Preferably hit to a flat green. Will take a lot of mulligans.

  • 100plus
    801 Posts
    Tue, Nov 20 2018 10:07 AM

    this works for me on most green side bunkers after getting used to,It is a small formula easy to learn and works in most situations. Green side bunkers double the distance to the pin for eg. 22 yrds becomes 44  for 15/20 add 4 30/40 add 8 40/50 add 12  60/70 add 16 now take into account elevation  for eg 7ft up add7 ,for 7ft down subtract seven. now we will use 22 yrds 7 ft up and 30 /40 lie, so we have 22x2=44 +8 for lie+7 for elevation totalling 59. Using me 64 wedge(60 yrds) I play full bs and hit full shot for 59% of meter and am usually within 3 ft of pin. I check where to aim by using pitch view from reverse to see where green is breaking and where i shud try to land the ball and let it run. Although I am far from the best I have brought my sand save % from the high 30,s to 68.29 in the approx 7/8 months since I made this formula. I passed this on to all my CC members and many are using it and improving their %,s. With practice you will learn to adjust slightly for wind and the way the green runs to + or - your total % to hit.For eg. on #4 beth ,back pin green runs frt to back so I do the math ""but do not add the elevation change 5/7 ft up as you will get the xtra runout,same applies to beth #5.I have eagled #4 and birdied #5 many time from the frt bunkers hope this helps. I know it looks complicated but when used to it I hit from sand in approx 30 seconds total. Good luck to all who try it and I wish you well I made this a long time ago Trev

  • DonCaron
    5,502 Posts
    Tue, Nov 20 2018 2:13 PM
    A lot depends on the wedges your using also.
  • skccvb
    799 Posts
    Tue, Nov 20 2018 3:19 PM

    Always use a lob wedge with full backspin-and then chart that.

  • fobby1980
    310 Posts
    Tue, Nov 20 2018 4:32 PM

    Thanks for the formula. Will definitely try it out

  • Bobbylanka
    925 Posts
    Sat, Jul 13 2019 6:57 AM

    Hi 100Plus,

    I have been using this formula for the past month or more, with good results, and have even put this on a spreadsheet for 60yd wedge.

    I would like to use it on the longer wedges too, do you have a similar formula for the longer 75 & 90 yd wedges.

    I have sent a friend request, accept / ignore as you please! lol

    Great advice


  • Linda1012
    1 Posts
    Tue, Oct 20 2020 8:58 AM

    Hi Question, if your calculation comes to 59, why do you only hit your 60y wedge at 59% is your calculation of 59 not in yards?

  • NickolasMagos
    33 Posts
    Wed, Oct 21 2020 7:22 PM

    I basically add the first percentage of each lie to the stated distance and compensate for elevation in yards as well.  If it says 10-20 its 10 percent more distance.  Etc...up to 40-50.  With 50-60 and 60-70 I get mixed results(meaning duffs in the sand that go a few feet) and shots that go way past the hole.  The last two are considered plugged lies and difficult in real life as well.

    Just so you know these formulas work for me if the ball hits the fringe first and then bounces to the hole.  If might get stuck in the bunker lip if it is high enough or the rough next to the lip if it hits in there.  It's always a good idea to add more yards and put back spin in case you miss the ding a lot.