Hello fellow WGTers, my name's not Yancy but I been a'wondering for a while who has the best reactions on this fine site in terms of dingerablility and whatnots.
The abilities to click your clicker and hit (or miss) the dinger precisely appears to be one of the key skills needed to shoot them low scores we been seein'. (I wouldn't know that for a fact cuz I ain't got the skills or the low scores.)
I have this little game which will test your hand eye coordination and report your average reaction time of 5 attempts. The objective is to get the lowest average reaction time.
I will give a Fastest Finger award to the top 10% of the entries (I gotta limit it to the top 15 places though.)
Multiple account rule: To be eligible for an award you must be a member of WGT for at least 3 months.
Here's what you do:
- Play the game using the link below as many times as you like. It is unlimited attempts.
- Screenshot your best scores and post them on this thread.
- Include your age group: (for curiosity's sake)
- Group I - Born before 1940
- Group 2 - Born in the 1940s or 1950s
- Group 3 - Born in the 1960s or 1970s
- Group 4 - Born in the 1980s or 1990s
- Contest ends August 3rd, 2011 at 11:59pm PDT
I'm in Group 2 and here's my best score:
Good Luck and have fun with it!!