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How to hit the Ding!

Fri, Jul 29 2011 3:18 PM (10 replies)
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  • Hanswurst72
    1,097 Posts
    Wed, Jul 27 2011 12:36 PM

    Hey guys ;)

    Some of u might know me because of organizing monthly tourneys or just because of playing rounds with me or seeing me on some of the leaderboards. I want to reveal one of the biggest tricks in this game, just to give some people who might not have found it yet the chance to compete in future. I guess that the average score of tournament winners wont get much lower then it is already, but the amount of players having a chance to compete at that level is going to increase. To give u a fair chance of getting in contention, and meanwhile having more fun at this game, i tell ya a pretty thing:

    Take a various piece of music, no even better take more then 5 different pieces of music to not make your ear die during your game. The only important part is that they have a nice and steady rythm and are not too slow. Work on their speed with a program like audacity or stuff like that, to get it to a beat that is like 4 times quicker then the time your club (for example driver) needs from full backswing to impact (Just try that in practice mode). This step might need some time, and you should choose the pieces of music wisely, otherwise u get dumb at hearing their strange sound. Thats the reason why your song shouldnt be too slow, it has to be sped up too much and sounds crazy.

    When u are ready with this, just take on your headset&co and start to a round of virtual golf. Take the club back, and release it exactly (!) when u hear a beat, then click in rythm with your beat when the moving line approaches the non moving. U will see that some fine-tuning of the beat is needed, but once u get it, the amount of more then 2 pixel misses is gonna be very very low ;-)

    Thats the way to hit nice shots while hearing some music, hope I could help your game and decrease the number of lost balls in your next round.

    Cheers, see you all on the course and just hit me up for a challenge if u want to,


  • klkooh
    10 Posts
    Wed, Jul 27 2011 1:58 PM

    Nice idea Hans, I've tried just counting a beat in my head and by tapping my foot but not consistently so this might be better. Or Icould make a beat on fruityloops or something similar that could be exactly in time. Thanks for the idea I'll give it a try later today.



  • Funkyjunkie3000
    722 Posts
    Wed, Jul 27 2011 3:40 PM

    Lol Hans i like the idea man

  • Finnek
    23 Posts
    Thu, Jul 28 2011 3:45 AM

    already thought about that myself, but a) i'm too lazy and b) i hit the "ding" or it's "neighbourhood" most of the time anyways ;)


    nonetheless this is a fantastic tip!


    p.s: don't you feel brainwashed after hearing the same songs over and over again?

  • Yappy22
    733 Posts
    Thu, Jul 28 2011 9:59 AM

    Not brainwashed but brain dead for sure   LMAO.  I'm going to try it.

  • BillyTBudMan
    100 Posts
    Thu, Jul 28 2011 12:33 PM

    When u are ready with this, just take on your headset&co and start to a round of virtual golf. Take the club back, and release it exactly (!) when u hear a beat, then click in rythm with your beat when the moving line approaches the non moving. U will see that some fine-tuning of the beat is needed, but once u get it, the amount of more then 2 pixel misses is gonna be very very low ;-)


    Mr./ Miss/ Mrs/ Dr. Hanswurst72 Jr./ III/ Esq/ MD./ etc.....The Budman says this idea in theory sounds like a good one, that is until, the music skips a beat, and by the music i mean the meter, and by skipping a beat, i mean more like one of them night club dj's scratching up some vinyl like he's making scrambled eggs or something.  Wish my meter was as consistent as the beat to a song.  Although i am open to any song suggestions to attempt this one,  The Budman will try almost anything after a few Buds.

  • Hanswurst72
    1,097 Posts
    Thu, Jul 28 2011 12:57 PM

    PS: just a little hint: think about doing a simple beat consisting of 5-10 single beats. --> No song, and a nice preshot routine ;)

    Cheers, Hans

  • PugsAce
    1,825 Posts
    Thu, Jul 28 2011 1:38 PM


    PS: just a little hint: think about doing a simple beat consisting of 5-10 single beats. --> No song, and a nice preshot routine ;)

    Cheers, Hans

    Don't ya mean something like this or this?  ;)

  • PugsAce
    1,825 Posts
    Thu, Jul 28 2011 2:32 PM

    I just put the theory into practice... it's "OK"  with a full swing, but, even just using the metronome, the "beat" would need to be changed for every iron shot, and every putt length, as the distance from start-to-click is different for each.

    The second (Weird Metronome) d/l link that I posted is one that has a "save" option that could be used (in theory) to provide "click help" for each different length of putt, for example. But in practice, it doesn't work because the speed of the meter changes slightly every time. That's probably one way WGT prevents "auto-click" software from invading the game and ruining it for everyone. And I personally am glad of that!

    But I still like the idea of playing a tune in the background, even if it isn't as precise as some would like. Personally, I listen to Dark Side alot while I'm playing (since I've found that the meter likes my system more when it is "taxed").

    Not only does the music provide a somewhat steady "beat", but it calms the nerves a bit after spraying the rough. ;)

  • klkooh
    10 Posts
    Fri, Jul 29 2011 2:42 PM



    PS: just a little hint: think about doing a simple beat consisting of 5-10 single beats. --> No song, and a nice preshot routine ;)

    Cheers, Hans


    Don't ya mean something like this or this?  ;)

    Yeah Pugs thats pretty much what I tried. With a driver on full swing 4 beats at 100bpm worked but then i did notice it changed to be slightly slower or faster on varying holes plus the added pain of every club being different. Back to the old hit n hope


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