Quick question for everyone?! I truly think there should be a way where everyone can practice each hole on every course as a individual hole all by its self. This way they can practice each hole for every course to get it down to a art! This could also be good for the WGT profits! You see the more your players play the more they use good balls and any good player on wgt knows they need good equipment to at least play a descent game! So in this way the more we practice the more we spend,! Although the better we get and i'm sure everyone would love to be able to practice their par 3 shots and tough holes that always seem to get them, specially when they half to wait to get to that hole to only have one chance to guess at there shot?! :( please let me know what you think! Feel free to copy and past this in any proper spot needed to be seen! Have fun golfing! "JonnyHurricane"