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Where are the won CC passes from clash #88?

rated by 0 users
Mon, Dec 17 2018 4:21 AM (4 replies)
  • civman
    770 Posts
    Sun, Dec 16 2018 9:50 AM

    Why haven't the CC passes that where won by the top finishers in clash 88 been distributed? It has been over 24 hrs. since the clash has ended, what's to hold up?



  • DoctorLarry
    4,318 Posts
    Sun, Dec 16 2018 7:12 PM


    Why haven't the CC passes that where won by the top finishers in clash 88 been distributed? It has been over 24 hrs. since the clash has ended, what's to hold up?



    In my short time here (11 months), this question is asked nearly every clash and also nearly every clash the prizes are awarded by Tuesday, not often before.

  • twinponds169
    3,047 Posts
    Sun, Dec 16 2018 8:22 PM

    Word has it that a certain country club owner has bought all 3,595,857,999 cc passes in the WGT data bank. There are none left at the moment for WGT to pass out.

  • callaghan159
    6,396 Posts
    Mon, Dec 17 2018 2:40 AM

    Why haven't the CC passes that where won by the top finishers in clash 88 been distributed?

    Why is it people have to ask after every clash where there passes are? You all should know by now it takes at least 48 hours and maybe longer to get your prize(?). NO patience I can tell.

  • civman
    770 Posts
    Mon, Dec 17 2018 4:21 AM

    All I was looking for was an answer. Keep your character assessments of others in Canada.

    Now see what you can tell....