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avg score to reach champion tier

Sun, Dec 3 2023 7:31 PM (88 replies)
  • patfrenchy
    304 Posts
    Sat, Dec 22 2018 10:00 AM


    After 200 rounds played, i thought that my avg score will only decrease.

    but since i was 59.6, my avg score plays with my nerves ; it increases when i am less than -5.  can somebody helps me with the wgt rules on this subject.

    many thanks



  • TopShelf2010
    10,962 Posts
    Sat, Dec 22 2018 10:15 AM


  • DufferJohn7
    3,581 Posts
    Sat, Dec 22 2018 11:09 AM


    Same thing is happening to me.  I had about 350+ rounds as TL and watching the average go down but since the upgrade it's mostly rising. I hope someone can figure out what the round count for saturation changed to.

    When I first joined Legend was the top tier and when they added TL & Champion the averages for existing Legends was adjusted and they had to play about 100 more rounds. (That's a guess from an aging memory.) Those who made Legend after that had the 500 round, 60 ave requirement for TL.  So maybewe're in a similar situation.

    Have fun and hit 'em straight.


  • patfrenchy
    304 Posts
    Sat, Dec 22 2018 12:16 PM

    Hi Don & John

    Thanks for replies.

    I sent a mail to wgt, hoping i will get the exact rules.

  • Robert1893
    7,729 Posts
    Sat, Dec 22 2018 12:33 PM


    Hi Don & John

    Thanks for replies.

    I sent a mail to wgt, hoping i will get the exact rules.

    They won't reply with the exact criteria. I'm guessing here's the closest statement you'll ever get from WGT.


    We use an algorithm to determine when a player is eligible to move to a new tier, which takes into account a number of factors including number of ranked games played.  These numbers scale by tier, so as it's necessary to shoot a lower average to advance and to play more games to reach higher tiers.  For example, when you reach Tour Master, you will need to play a larger number of ranked rounds than you had as a Master, maintaining a low average, to tier up to Legend.

    Additionally, in response to WGT player feedback about sandbagging (misrepresenting one's true ability to gain advantage by playing at a lower tier from closer tee boxes), WGT is  using more than just ranked stroke play scores to determine each player's average score and appropriate tier ranking.

    For obvious reasons, WGT is not sharing exact details of these changes, but they include factoring in scores from players who perform well in tournaments and challenge games for credits. We still encourage the community's feedback on Sandbagging, but believe this is an important step to reducing the practice and keeping the game fair.


  • patfrenchy
    304 Posts
    Sat, Dec 22 2018 12:55 PM

    Nobody knows, perheaps as christmas gift wgt will give a clear explanation !

    It's sure that an answer containing  algorithm and "for obvious reasons bla bla .... " is not very satisfying.

    but thanks for your help



  • Oldtupp
    224 Posts
    Sat, Dec 22 2018 6:05 PM

    Hi John ,Pat et Al , An explanation would be good  I'm in a simialr situation as a TL my average would go down once every few weeks  however  it has now gone up by 0.63 in the days since the update.

    I understand WGT is a business and profits are a neccessity .I wonder how WGT would feel if their profits suddenly went  down like our averages have gone up without any explanation i .


  • patfrenchy
    304 Posts
    Mon, Dec 24 2018 2:49 AM

    i agree with the last part of your post 150 %

    hey WGT ! give us a clear Christmas gift

  • patfrenchy
    304 Posts
    Mon, Dec 24 2018 1:30 PM

    For those who are interessed here the very very relevant wgt's answer 

    in french we have an expression : it is useful as pissing in a violin

    you were right Robert !

    Support (WGT)

    Dec 24, 9:54 AM CST


    Dear Patrick,

    Thank you for your message. Changing tiers is a combination of your scoring average, and the number of ranked rounds you have played in your current tier.

    Unfortunately we do not reveal the official requirements needed to change from one tier to the next, however you can find unofficial requirements posted by our users in our forums.

    Depending on what game modes you play, your average and stats may not change. Your average and stats only change during Single Player ranked matches and Multiplayer Tournaments. Please Note that ranked rounds on "Best of" courses do not count toward your average.

    To play a single player ranked round, select the three white lines in the top left of the Main Menu and choose COURSES from the pop-out menu. Choose a course and how many holes you would like to play. When you tee off you will be playing completely by yourself. Keep in mind that not all courses have a full 18 holes to play, some courses only have short challenge games available. To ensure the round is RANKED, directly before tee off make sure that RANKED is highlighted on the left side of the screen.

    If you have any other questions, let us know.


    WGT Member Services

  • whooshdangit
    1,246 Posts
    Mon, Dec 24 2018 2:11 PM


    An explanation would be good  I'm in a simialr situation as a TL my average would go down once every few weeks  however  it has now gone up by 0.63 in the days since the update.


    G'day Older Tupp

    Congrats on your Birthday btw , just noticed that.

    At first glance it could seem a little crook, however we have an army of spotters on "walkabout" and (not his real name) Whinging Pom  informs us your putting has been, well  "iffy"

    Hope this clears that up mate, have a shufty at Wolf Creek. That should get it climbing nicely.


    Bruce member.