littlejohn61: I hope I answered all your Q/A ...LJ.
I appreciate the response.
I think my first question was accurate - but I noted I was not sure about it.
As for the CC money thing - I don't understand how that is related. Players can spend money to play the game (not all do) and I know there are ways for CC's to use the current system to build up a slush fund of credits for CC use. However, that has nothing to do with WGT directly.
You stated you see a class action suit coming, but I see no grounds for that, especially since signing up here has already precluded that.
Anyway, I know there are problems that need to be addressed and fixed here and I also know that WGT is part of a large business that requires a ROI. They will only do what keeps or improves the return, and nothing else. It's just business.
It sounds like you have "invested" a lot of time and maybe money in this and I understand. These things happen and sometimes we really can't change them.
Good luck with your CC and with getting the current problems sorted out.