Just my very personal opinion:
The new tier was interesting for a day.
Secrecy over it is silly.
People should be told high level what the basic parameters are.
All I see is a gear up for a red tee clash type nonsense thus far with it.
Fine if that's what it is (revenue I understand).
Expectations have long been managed so low that it's a who cares really anyway.
Tiers have been throw away badges for an age anyway.
I was hoping it might be a move to discourage MAs by taking away anything worth havng with oomphs through tiers for any credits "won" (some sense anyway). It seems MAs are not enough of an issue to do things that simply or someone just prefers longer routes?
JMHO in the light of zero real guidance:)
EDIT:...Overall a super update as a super new course. But this is just on the tiers (badges)