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Need help with club purchase

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Wed, Jan 9 2019 3:55 PM (10 replies)
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  • Conebone7
    1 Posts
    Mon, Jan 7 2019 7:18 PM

    Level 55 Tour Pro player- have accumulated 3500 credits and would like to upgrade my clubs.  Thinking about purchasing a set.  Still using original starter clubs now and scoring okay, but don't have the distance to keep up on some of the holes at this level.  Do I go full set or driver and wedges only?  Any recommendations on club selection?  Thanks all.

  • LightsOut1120
    1,837 Posts
    Tue, Jan 8 2019 9:20 AM

    ya cant get hurt either way really, but I personally would go full set.  I would go with either the Max Meter lvl 47 or the Lvl 39 Taylor Made Rocketballz full sets.  the Max Meters are better clubs, but the taylor mades incl 2 wedges.  These will both be a massive upgrade from starters and in my opinion give you the most bang for the buck.  

  • TopShelf2010
    10,969 Posts
    Tue, Jan 8 2019 9:27 AM


  • andwhy67
    2,816 Posts
    Tue, Jan 8 2019 9:59 AM

    Nope, definately the 3 wedges.

    A driver maybe?

    Looked at your profile and you have rented several clubs which is obviously a cost!

    Hold fire and for wait the advice you'll receive, it'll be worth it!

  • el3n1
    4,505 Posts
    Tue, Jan 8 2019 10:20 AM

    Do I go full set or driver and wedges only?  Any recommendations on club selection?  Thanks all.

    Will try to keep this short, but you never know... LOL... there will be no shortage of advice available... but it depends on your goals and what and how you enjoy to play...

    I agree with some of the others... save your credits... don't rent stuff you can learn a lot from the forum in the meantime...

    That said, you appear to play on the mobile platform due to what appears to be a custom avatar... that means you are probably overlooking what could be one of the very few very practical uses of the coins used for the mobile platform... if you wish to buy a little time while you explore club options... you could easily use some of those coins that are often regarded as worthless to "rent coin club sets" that have better performance than the starter gear but allow you to defer purchasing clubs until you reach a sufficient level...

    Personally I rented the green and dark blue sets I believe a few times until I reached L59.  I saved my credits up until that time....

    As for piecing a set of clubs together or buying a set... that too is a personal choice, but you could likely stretch your credits a little further by buying a set and adding on a few reasonably priced wedges.  

    You are very close to what is possibly the best value club set which is the L59 Pings because the irons have a high flight trajectory which helps with holding elevated greens.  Many players have used those same irons even after getting promoted to Legend but by then you will likely have unlocked even better clubs and be considering further upgrades... but the L59 ping set will easily take you all the way to legend tier with the addition of some wedges to enhance your short game...

    So, save your credits... use coin rentals for now, and then I would possibly consider the L59 ping set if you are wanting the most value for your credits... otherwise there are a lot of great choices to piece your bag together by mix and matches but it will cost more credits...  Best of luck hope this helps...

  • lonniescott711
    4,207 Posts
    Tue, Jan 8 2019 10:41 AM


    Level 55 Tour Pro player- have accumulated 3500 credits and would like to upgrade my clubs.  Thinking about purchasing a set.  Still using original starter clubs now and scoring okay, but don't have the distance to keep up on some of the holes at this level.  Do I go full set or driver and wedges only?  Any recommendations on club selection?  Thanks all.

    Save your credits and play up to L59 . Then get the Ping G25s full set at 4,495 credits . By the time you reach L59 you will probably be ready to move back to Master/ Tour Master tees . So then the upgrade will be worth it . 

    So pace yourself and continue to build up your credits . Save for both the new club set and add in some wedges as well . Then fire away and upgrade your clubs . Make every upgrade count for as much as possible . The main thing is to not waste your credits in doing so .


  • HackWilson1930
    1,437 Posts
    Tue, Jan 8 2019 11:28 AM

    The longer you can hold out in making purchases the better off financially you will be. You are currently a tour pro so distance off the tee is not as great a factor as it will be when you move up to master or legend.

    When you start making purchases you need to consider where you will be in the future as well as where you are today.You need to look carefully at the club attributes as you make purchases. By dropping the hybrid from your bag you will need a 3i that gives you a similar distance. Many of the lower level iron sets don't have a 3i that gives you that distance. The result is having to rely on the 3w at less than full power which can be done but with added problems.

    Next will be wedge selection. Here I would recommend selecting a mated set of wedges from the same brand. These are the workhorses in your bag and they need to pull together: same meter speed, same spin numbers and well matched distances. You might want to consider your pitching wedge numbers as you make wedge choices.

    The available drivers at your current level or slightly higher give you the choice of lower performance at a low price with a replacement far too soon, or a higher cost but longer lasting choice.  This is why so many of us stress waiting to buy.

    And the last thing I want to address is the credit issue. If you make a daily effort to use your mobile device to earn "free" credits by watching the 2 credit short video ads while doing mundane things like watching TV or using the loo, you will soon have a much better credit balance. To get a good set of clubs to carry you to legend and beyond you are going to need 12,000 credits plus a putter plus balls. Welcome to the reality that is WGT.

  • andwhy67
    2,816 Posts
    Tue, Jan 8 2019 11:54 AM

    To get a good set of clubs to carry you to legend and beyond you are going to need 12,000 credits plus a putter plus balls. Welcome to the reality that is WGT.

    If you are able to 'credit crunch/video watch' you could comfortably do a 1000 credits a day no problems.

  • DoctorLarry
    4,320 Posts
    Tue, Jan 8 2019 12:48 PM

    Previous replies have given you a lot to think about.

    One I heartily agree with is to look ahead to attainable levels and see what is available in the future.  Be prepared to rent what is offered at key levels so you can get a discount on buying what you have planned for.  One thing that helps with planning is the Pro Shop Equipment Tables - you can find a link on the profile of player "ScottHope".

    My advice works backwards from the green.  The club you hit the most in a typical round or game is the putter.  You hit that more times than anything.  So having a good putter helps most.

    To get makeable putts, you need to hit good approach shots to land close to the hole.  For that you need 2-3 (some use 4!) decent wedges.

    After that, you can choose whether you want to hit further off the tee or get closer with the irons.  

    In any event, plan to replace the hybrid with a club you can use more often to better effect - usually a wedge.

    Have fun!

  • alosso
    21,088 Posts
    Tue, Jan 8 2019 1:06 PM

    Level 55 Tour Pro player- have accumulated 3500 credits and would like to upgrade my clubs.
    If you are willing to play better and advance through the tiers and come to need more credits for balls and better clubs:

    Think of getting two(!) short wedges of L39 or more, plus the best 3WD that you can afford. You may need to use (cheap) custom balls though.

    The former will drastically improve your short game around the green, the second will serve as a better driver than the Starter, and the latter will keep the meter speeds endurable.

    First irons for you to consider buying are the L59 G25s, or wait some more. 

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