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Club meter

Tue, Jan 22 2019 11:21 AM (1 replies)
  • jjt034
    14 Posts
    Mon, Jan 21 2019 5:39 PM

    How about being a bit more true to the club meter and distances shown for each club. 
    If the max distance is about 200 yards, then be around 200 yards and not 220 or 225 yards.

    Also... The green's speed is never consistent where one hole, they play fast then the next hole, they play slow. I can't tell you how many second putts come up short because the first one overshot the hole like the ball came out of a cannon. 

    Please fix some of the inconsistencies!!!

  • DoctorLarry
    4,320 Posts
    Tue, Jan 22 2019 11:21 AM

    The club ratings are just a guideline - it might mean something compared to other clubs, but don't take it as a max, min, or average.  You have to practice with the clubs and balls you use and keep records (unless you have perfect memory!) to really know how each club will perform under different conditions of wind, spin, shot type, and power.

    Green speed is usually quite consistent in my experience - YMMV.  You do have to account for changes in green elevation over the course of the putt, and they can certainly make a significant difference in length and line.  Downhill putts on fast greens (>10) are especially difficult for me (and others, I think).  Naturally if you ignore a downhill change in elevation and the putt rolls well past, it will usually be uphill on the way back - which will slow it down.

    All I can say is Practice - Practice - Practice - but try to have fun at the same time!