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Handicaps in your CC

rated by 0 users
Thu, Feb 7 2019 4:33 PM (15 replies)
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  • jimreser
    21 Posts
    Wed, Jan 30 2019 3:29 PM

    Does your CC have a handicap system?

    How do you set up your tourneys?.


    Would you please share how you calculate your handicaps


    Thank you

    Jim Reser

  • Woodie312
    671 Posts
    Wed, Jan 30 2019 6:54 PM


    If you hunt around you can find where this has been discussed many times here in the forums. A lot of us have toyed with it and traded ideas on how to go about it, and Kat a truely awsome programer wrote a spreadsheet program for handicaps within her club. But alas she very rarely if ever comes on anymore, although there are some that might have her sheets and instruction manual (complete with a powerpoint presentation I might add).

    I played with hers for a bit, and also tried making my own. We tried it for our club and it was just to dang much work for naught. There is no way to award prizes to the HDCP winner only the card winner can get a payout. So it really fizzled out after a while because it was just another number to look at.


  • alosso
    21,083 Posts
    Wed, Jan 30 2019 10:37 PM


    You can always use the averages.

    Regardless of the tier, they represent the scores that a player is able to shoot, quite an easy and not-so-bad reference to their skills.

  • TopShelf2010
    10,967 Posts
    Thu, Jan 31 2019 4:39 AM


  • SEARAY27
    321 Posts
    Thu, Jan 31 2019 8:13 AM

    When figuring handicaps, you want to look at a program called Choice Handicap System on line. It's a paid program, but one that I have used on WGT in past clubs.First you setup the courses, Then for each player, it takes the past 10 / 9 hole round scores,( if you use the 9 hole system for handicapping) and calculates ones handicap. It also can be setup for 18 hole score handicaps. This program is worth the 25.00 USD for it.

  • alosso
    21,083 Posts
    Thu, Jan 31 2019 3:48 PM

    ust because a player has an average of say 56, that does not mean that particular player can shoot 16 under. We all know how averages can be manipulated.
    I don't really mind egobaggers who press their average (or HCP) down spuriously. They may fry in their self-made hells.

    Any average represents a score that has been played by the player - he/she may be measured by that!

  • DonCaron
    5,502 Posts
    Thu, Jan 31 2019 5:48 PM

    This is the best one I have seen. Dubfore came up with it in 2014

    Handicap System

  • TopShelf2010
    10,967 Posts
    Fri, Feb 1 2019 4:26 AM


  • DonCaron
    5,502 Posts
    Fri, Feb 1 2019 7:10 AM


    Having Cobalt and Kat ( as well as others ) contributing to this concept was a bonus as well.


    It was absolutely awesome when the community comes together to make it work.


  • EasyEdward
    13,507 Posts
    Sat, Feb 2 2019 8:21 AM


    Does your CC have a handicap system?

    How do you set up your tourneys?.

    The Peoples Club does have a handicap system and runs 2 handicap tournaments a month (with prizes).

    Would you please share how you calculate your handicaps

    The system we use is very complex but we have a good programmer who automated the process.  Our system is not for a CC who would only be able to do the calculations manually.

    We use a modified USGA Handicap Index (HCI) system that uses a Course Rating and Slope in the same methodology as set forth in the USGA Handicap Manual.

    The modifications are slight but important (we believe).

    1) We developed a WGT specific Course Rating and review it every couple of years (working on a review right now coincidentally). The WGT specific Course Rating is developed by grabbing the top 15 scores off 100s of 500 and 1,000 credit to enter 18 hole Ready-Gos (10 to 20 Ready Go leader boards for each course). The average of the average is used for our 18 hole Course Rating for each course offered by WGT. For the Course Rating for the front and back 9 we proportion the 18 hole Course Rating by the same percentages the USGA does.

    2) We lift the Slope right from the USGA National Course Rating and Slope database.

    3) We modified the USGA regulations for calculating a players HCI in the following ways.

    a) We use the best 10 of the last 15 modified scores  (9 or 18 holes) not the best 10 of the last 20.

    b) We only look back 5 months not a full year as the USGA does.

    c) We only allow the same course to be used 3 times in the member's HCI calculations rather then the USGA policy of allowing all scores to be on the same course.

    For 4 years now we have maintained a database of all of the CC Tournament Scores of all of out members (each month that database grows by 3-4,000 scores). I often jokingly say that those of us with access to that database know more about one of our members then the member does about themselves.

    With a push of a button a program that was developed can calculate the HCI of every member within seconds by accessing the scores database. When the raw scores come in for a handicap tournament another push of a button takes those raw scores and applies the members' HCI and the course rating and slope to determine the net scores of each participant and boom we have the handicapped standings and our bi-weekly handicap tournament winner.





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