duda51: Look i was just ranting on a bit, a bit shocked that wgt did not look a bit closer at what they were doing/removing/replacing.
What makes you think that WGT hasnt thought it through ? Just because they arent doing it the way you feel it should be done , doesnt mean its being done wrong . As usual we the players were the last ones to know what was going on but thats no big deal . We are never included in the decisions being made or the meetings and discussions about the products and items in the pro shop .
Although this is a business WGT has to also work with the companies that allow them to use their brands in this game . They have to comply with the decisions made outside of their control . So they knew and they let us know when they were sure about what was going to be done .
For those who want to complain about not being able to get certain clubs . Thats just the way it is . The lesson to be learned is very simple . In the future if you plan on a club upgrade , then play until you can get that club . I have never missed out on having a club that I wanted to have . All because I planned out my club upgrades and put in the play time to get them .