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Latency makes game unplayable (Android 9)

rated by 0 users
Mon, May 20 2019 2:16 PM (6 replies)
  • RackhamLeNoir
    3 Posts
    Sat, Mar 2 2019 4:00 AM


    I used to play with an old Ipad (from 2012). There was small latencies from time to time which slightly affected play, but it was globally great.

    Now I just bought a new phone (Nokia 7 Plus), which runs Android One (version 9 with all updates). Each time I tap exactly on the meter spot, the meters goes full or stops almost at the end. I tried to anticipate, I have to tap more than a fourth bar before the spot. It is even worse, this is not consistent.

    Basically the game is totally unplayable, with a brand new phone with a powerful CPU and GPU. I tried removing shadows, with any change.

    Is there a fix for this?


  • middbrew
    319 Posts
    Tue, Mar 5 2019 8:13 AM

    You might try several things.

    1: Make sure you have a fast internet connection. No matter what device you use, if the connection is slow it will cause the meter to not respond correctly.

    2: Clear the cache on the phone. A simple restart should work. This will allow the loading of the game to it's fullest, thus providing a smoother play.

    3: Delete the app, clear the cache, reinstall the app. It's possible that app didn't install as desired.

    4: If all else fails send WGT an email with the problem. Be sure to include the type of device and OS that you are using. Android 9.0 is pretty new and they may not have all the bugs worked out for the game to be played on it. Letting them know your issues will go a long way in making it work.

  • RackhamLeNoir
    3 Posts
    Wed, Mar 6 2019 1:35 AM

    Thanks for your answer.


    1) I tried several Wifi, and 4G+, all of them are quite efficient. 

    2) Tried, doesn't help.

    3) Tried, doesn't help.

    4) Will do for sure. But first I will investigate the device issues. It seems that input is extremely slow on this particular device. This is crazy considering it is brand new. I'll make measurements and give details to Nokia, and post updates here.


  • AussieMick11
    1,276 Posts
    Wed, Mar 6 2019 9:39 AM

    I use a Nokia 6 running Android 9 and, while game play is not perfect, the meter is playable most of the time. I run into trouble when background processes are running. Your device's hardware is superior to mine so it should be able handle wgt without an issue. I'd look into the apps and processes running in the background. I also like to put my phone in do not disturb mode when playing. Good luck mate, hope it works out for you.

  • RackhamLeNoir
    3 Posts
    Thu, Mar 7 2019 12:20 AM

    I solved the problem. In the Settings > Accessibility menu, I disabled animations (and 3-taps zoom gesture). My phone is generally more responsive, and the meter is perfect.

  • mimi0393
    5 Posts
    Fri, May 17 2019 3:43 PM

    Same issue on brand new Galaxy A70 running Pie.

    My old (brocken) device was a Mimax with Android 8 and perfect swing meter response.

    No way to win a competition...

  • DoctorLarry
    4,319 Posts
    Mon, May 20 2019 2:16 PM


    Same issue on brand new Galaxy A70 running Pie.

    My old (brocken) device was a Mimax with Android 8 and perfect swing meter response.

    No way to win a competition...

    Did you check the phone settings as described above?