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I'm Raging!

rated by 0 users
Thu, Aug 11 2011 7:23 PM (31 replies)
  • thebigeasy707
    5,885 Posts
    Sun, Aug 7 2011 5:44 PM

    5 RG's I entered tonight.

    1 went fine (-6)....another I was -6 going onto the 7th approach only for the damn meter to swing through after I hit and sticks my ball out of bounds although I managed to scramble a -4 ( WGT can ram the gold or silver award where it don't shine).

    Tried the 3rd ready a jerky well as a few meters that ran through, so WD from that.

    No sense in messing about so just withdrew from the other 2 without hitting a ball.

    Complete waste of my time and money.

    Just as I was starting to like ready go's again...not now...will just resort back to a few mpc's, ranked rounds and alt shots.

    Spongey meter rears it's head again. It's been fine for a few weeks now. I wonder why it suddenly changed back.



    10,728 Posts
    Sun, Aug 7 2011 6:04 PM

    last few days my meter has been all different speeds TBE,Rocket propelled one is the worse,and then as you say the sponge effect,.Things have definitely become more difficult from my side,

  • thebigeasy707
    5,885 Posts
    Sun, Aug 7 2011 6:07 PM


    last few days my meter has been all different speeds TBE,Rocket propelled one is the worse,and then as you say the sponge effect,.Things have definitely become more difficult from my side,

    yupps how could I not mention the RPM...(Rocket Propelled Meter)

    or even the 185 yrd shots dinged that only go 175 yrds with 2mph winds.

    it's hard to a greased pig in a lightning storm.

    i guess it's the game's way of telling me now's not the time to be playing rg's.


  • thebigeasy707
    5,885 Posts
    Mon, Aug 8 2011 1:33 PM

    how many times is this fanny of a meter gonna completely goof up shots when I'm going along great????

    it's a bl00dy joke WGT.

    i hit the ding and the freakin meter swings through at will?


    nearly every RG i do gets messed with at some stage due to the meter swinging through goofing the shot in to weeds or out of bounds.

    it's getting to be a joke.

    a good product suggestion would be " donate Ready Go's"

    I have 2 left to do but am just WD'g from them again like I did yesterday due to the meter swinging through and £"£$"%Q£$%'ing up my shot while i'm -5 or -6 with a few holes to go.



  • gatordee
    281 Posts
    Mon, Aug 8 2011 3:37 PM

    My meter has been awful for almost a week now. I have to constantly stay on top of it and hit hope I hit early enough to get a descent hit. I went a about 2 weeks with a great meter and thought my meter problems were gone. But then "BAM!" Not so fast my friends!  I do have a problem that nobody can seem to figure out for me. But probably nobody believes me. It happens about once every 9 holes but it ruins my game every time it happens. When I release my swing, it will automatically hit the ball as soon as the meter reaches the 1st line. Has anyone else had this problem?? 

  • thebigeasy707
    5,885 Posts
    Mon, Aug 8 2011 6:35 PM

    this is just getting too silly now.

    started a full 18 rg on RSG.

    1st damn hole........approach to green 168 yrds...not a problem with the TM 175 yrd iron.

    not so,.....the aids injected crackhead dicksplash of a meter has other ideas and although shot is dinged...the meter swings through 1/2 an inch then hits the ball into crap.

    again and again and again,

    i am 100% not playing any more ready go's till this shiit is fixed.

    i might even just retire from the game just ain't worth the hassle any is no longer fun when the meter decides when it's gonna hit the ball.



    10,728 Posts
    Mon, Aug 8 2011 9:02 PM


    how many times is this fanny of a meter gonna completely goof up shots when I'm going along great????

    it's a bl00dy joke WGT.

    i hit the ding and the freakin meter swings through at will?


    nearly every RG i do gets messed with at some stage due to the meter swinging through goofing the shot in to weeds or out of bounds.

    it's getting to be a joke.

    a good product suggestion would be " donate Ready Go's"

    I have 2 left to do but am just WD'g from them again like I did yesterday due to the meter swinging through and £"£$"%Q£$%'ing up my shot while i'm -5 or -6 with a few holes to go.



    I saw that replay TBE and that definitely looks like a case of ESMS.Excessive Spongy Meter Syndrome,What i did and it did help was to try and hit the ball 2 weeks early,So you hit and book a holiday for 2 weeks then come back and play your next shot or putt,On a more serious note,I got back on google chrome and turned my pop up blocker off,So when you open another wgt window you have to reopen chrome from your desktop,This has slightly helped my ESMS,I still get the occasional RPM,But its way better now i have gone back to chrome with pop up blocker on,

  • thebigeasy707
    5,885 Posts
    Tue, Aug 9 2011 9:01 PM

    hmm....i'm still trying to work out how this ball flew way left (only a 2mph wind) especially since the WHOOSH meter made me late and hit it almost an inch after the should have been on the other side of the green....most likely in the rough.

    surely this ain't right?

    other pretty big inconsistencies with players using TM's are OTT just now in my opinion.

    In that mp game we had come your 190yrd shot with 3/4 bs into a 13mph headwind and into a 20ft uphill green bounced at 187 yrds then rolled on....whereas my replicated as a test 190yrd shot with same 3/4 bs bounced at 177 yrds and stopped basically dead in it's tracks.

    same club...same shot = minimum 10yrds of a difference where ball touched down.....woo hoo!

    it's just as well you can rely on your putting because we the TM's have went from being pretty much unreliable.



  • jakestanfill7
    949 Posts
    Tue, Aug 9 2011 9:09 PM

    Meter is definitely worse than normal over the last week but I'm starting to think this stupid Putter Pal has an effect.  Wish to god I hadn't bought that thing for 1000 putts.  Averaging 2 WDs vs 1 completed Ready Go the last few days because of meter.  Ding % around 20 as opposed to 70+ normally.

  • thebigeasy707
    5,885 Posts
    Tue, Aug 9 2011 9:16 PM

    I've WD from at least 10 over the last 2 days due to the meter Jake. Sure I could have saved the -4's etc and picked up my entry fee....but I get so pi$$ed at being -5 or -6 with 2 or 3 birdiable holes still to play only for the WHOOSH meter to skip through late after I dinged it perfectly and making holes become bogey holes instead of birdiable ones.

    I get into a rage and just WD from the game.

    With me it's not about the credits's more about hitting the best round possible and this spongey meter is interfering with the game massively.

    I don't use the putter pal...i bought 10 putts when it 1st came out and tested it out on BPB...but found myself having to 7 putt on the 3rd hole just to get rid of it lol.

    You should maybe email WGT to get them to remove it form your equipment...but they won't refund apparently.

    Maybe WGT should restore the meter back to as it was before that last update ...and just let the whiners keep complaining about low scores. I can ignore whiners about low scoring and cheating but I can't ignore this crazy meter.

    Here's what I think of the crazy meter....inconsistent clubs......$1 balls that don't last as long as when they were 1st introduced and the ridiculous putter pal.
