i'll add my nickels worth. i'm far from "tech" knowledgeable, have 2yr hp with intel, a very old palm, rolling ball, microsoft mouse, i clean every time before i log in using a free cleaning service, use an anti-virus purchesed from my computer geek. use game booster, the 2nd level. delete my browser history before logging in. also de-friended 254 persons. at that point my meter was 99.9% good no matter what. the only bug i had after all of that was the right button on my mouse. it is in such a position that my big ham finger will lightly rest on it. if i do not take the effort to remove it before i punch my button, it will interfer with what is happening. i have noticed that there have been more wgt disconnects, errors, etc. also since the introduction of the new putting aid my normal success in putting as been less than stellar. i would not be surprized to find out that wgt has appilied the screws just a little more than before. as you can read nothing i did was anything that any one can't do, use internet explorer, google, adobe flash 2nd level. i hope this can help some other non-tech type to enjoy wgt more. overall the best game site available, bar none! my nickel.