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Reporting a very frustrating even

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Fri, Mar 29 2019 4:50 PM (3 replies)
  • zzmoenorman
    31 Posts
    Thu, Mar 28 2019 10:01 AM

    When in practise mode putting I use the mode practice mode that strikes the ball perfectly so you can see is the line you selected is correct.  Frequently when I attempt the putt I find out that WGT has switched the putting scale in between the practice putt and the actual stroke.

    Is this intentional or a glitch?  It is very frustrating to execute properly and watch the ball jet 30 ft past the hole.

  • DoctorLarry
    4,320 Posts
    Thu, Mar 28 2019 10:06 AM


    When in practise mode putting I use the mode practice mode that strikes the ball perfectly so you can see is the line you selected is correct.  Frequently when I attempt the putt I find out that WGT has switched the putting scale in between the practice putt and the actual stroke.

    Is this intentional or a glitch?  It is very frustrating to execute properly and watch the ball jet 30 ft past the hole.

    The caddy picks the scale (not always very well) so you have to check it every time, even after the putt preview.  It is a habit to put in your pre-shot routine, anyway.  I try to go through and check everything about the shot before I hit it, for every shot.

  • zzmoenorman
    31 Posts
    Fri, Mar 29 2019 8:18 AM

    Thanks Doc,

    It's just frustrating when you working on speed and read to have WGT pull what I consider a dirty trick.  When I play golf I don't yell during the put or downswing. Its rude as is this event.

    Thanks for letting me vent.


  • DoctorLarry
    4,320 Posts
    Fri, Mar 29 2019 4:50 PM


    Thanks Doc,

    It's just frustrating when you working on speed and read to have WGT pull what I consider a dirty trick.  When I play golf I don't yell during the put or downswing. Its rude as is this event.

    Thanks for letting me vent.


    No problem.  We just have to get used to how this game works - even if it is annoying.  I really have to keep that routine myself because I found that I was unintentionally changing things like putter scales, club selected, shot selected, etc., with an inadvertent and sometimes un-noticed bump of the scroll wheel on my mouse.  That produced some bad ressults!