I suppose Lucky's two main complaints are that Casey cast aspersions on a dead man, and that some people would not accept the way WGT handled the very-much-alive Forart's suspension and demonized them.
I have already told Lucky that what Casey was doing was addressing the suspicions that were UNDOUBTABLY raised when WGT, rather than just saying "no comment", decided to say, "We are still investigating this, and we may be able to post an update later on, but one thing I can tell you for sure, nothing is as it seems". And then after weeks of silence, "We literally can not say to you or the community. It's against our privacy policy. I'm sorry it had to go down this way. You asked me to look into it and I did. _CHAMPION ". I'm sorry, where I come from, that creates a cloud of a doubt. Casey realized this, and realized that not only does it create a cloud of doubt, it creates a cloud of doubt without actually offering any proof as to the guilt of the accused, (the very-much-alive Forart). So as a thought exercise, and to move the discussion toward some type of conclusion, since it appeared that nothing more would be forthcoming from WGT, Casey put forward some suppositions which, in the absence of any info from WGT, could and should be considered. He then quickly shot those suppositions down and repeated that he believed what the very-much-alive Forart had told him. Even if the very-much-alive Forart was not alive, I would have no problem with speculating whether he did or did not do something nefarious. I am not a member of the school of thought that believes that a person's death immediately ends any and all talk of how crappy a person they may or may not have been. But that's just me. Not Casey, I'll bet. He is much more of a gentleman than I am. In conclusion, Casey did not and would not speak ill of the dead, and the fantasy dream scene of Casey going through the very-much-alive Forart's trash after his death, and finding needles and whiskey bottles, must remain just that. A fantasy. Whose fantasy? I don't know. Might be time to call in somebody to tell it like it is and not care where the chips fall or who they offend.
That brings us to Lucky's second major complaint. That people were being way too quick to demonize WGT. Well here's my take on that . I simply asked WGT to say something. I was neither demonizing nor exonerating WGT. I had nowhere near enough information for that. It had been four weeks without a word from them, despite the fact that they had implied that an update might be forthcoming. When they finally did say something, once again they did nothing except throw fuel on the fire with the, " I'm sorry it had to go down this way. You asked me to look into it and I did" comment. It answered nothing. As was mentioned earlier in this thread by bubbsboy, "Normally an organisation has a prepared statement advising on terms and conditions and that is all you get......we have alll had those, of that im sure.Champ was being a friendly mod, a one who is pushed forward to calm the crowd." I agree with that, and I have to take some of the responsibility for perhaps making Champ say more than he/she intended to say, but if you are going to use your privacy policy as the reason why you aren't going to reveal what actually happened, you should limit yourself to a generic "no comment" and not editorialize in any way. Hardly demonizing. In summation, yes, perhaps a very few people "demonized" WGT, if that, and only if you have a very loose interpretation of "demonizing", but the vast majority of the comments I saw were simple truth seekers. Some maybe had a bit of a history with WGT. I can't say. Until just yesterday, I have had nothing but a good experience with WGT. I will say no more on this topic forever. I'm not getting paid for this, and those demons at WGT are always raising the prices of the golf balls.