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getting close to pin

rated by 0 users
Fri, Apr 12 2019 2:28 PM (2 replies)
  • club578
    570 Posts
    Fri, Apr 12 2019 12:54 PM

    i have a laptop and a mouse would like to know how to get it close with crosswinds 

  • lonniescott711
    4,207 Posts
    Fri, Apr 12 2019 1:36 PM


    i have a laptop and a mouse would like to know how to get it close with crosswinds 

    It starts with good course management god driving off the tee . Then comes the approach shots and knowing how to attack the pin . Knowing where to put the ball makes for easier putting and birdie putts . 

    So work on your pitch punch and flop shots . Once you learn how to use your wedges with these 3 shot types , it will be easier scoring . As a misding player I play cross winds by clicking either early or late depending on the wind . L-R winds you click early and R-L winds you click late .

    Even when moving the marker depending on winds its the same way . Only I will move my marker towards the winds direction . L-R winds move marker towards the left and if needed click early . R-L winds move the marker to the right as needed and click late .

    Its a technique that you will have to practice in order to get good at it . But it works for me .and its easy to learn to do .


  • DoctorLarry
    4,320 Posts
    Fri, Apr 12 2019 2:28 PM


    i have a laptop and a mouse would like to know how to get it close with crosswinds 

    There are several threads here and some good youtube videos by some players on accounting for wind.  You can search youtube for "WGT" and "wind" and probably find some.

    I use a method described well by Young46 in his videos.  He has some other good ones as well.  Just search "WGT" and you will find a lot of videos.