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Tue, May 21 2019 8:57 AM (5 replies)
  • maruschak
    572 Posts
    Sat, May 18 2019 8:59 AM

    Joined WGT in 2009...attained Legend status at level 98 approximately in 2011;...however I found that it was taking me forever to get any better if I soddenly hit my peak...consequently decided to not allow frustration to overcome me....I reverted to another golf game....on PS3...Tiger Woods Golf,.....( Had to quit real golf due to physical issues! ) that ended my playing time here,....Now....on approx. May 9th of this year (2019) I came start playing again....and was surprised to see how different the game seemed to be....especially in the putting aspect.....and while using the WGT balls I possessed...found it mighty difficult to control the :"meter" I purchased some better ease the "frustration", mow allow me to get to the point I wish to make here......."multiplayer games".....:

    Attempted to create multiplayer games....mainly stroke and  match play......did get a few takers...however no less than 90% of my attempts...I found so many popped up...only to elect NOT to guess is......many who are players not as high as legend are reluctant to play....thinking my Legend status and playing avg (69+) would be unfair....

    So I wish to honestly say that my game right now is most assuredly NOT what it used to long absence along with the knowledge the game is harder....has me struggling as many here do.....but I am not a quitter by any means..I will play a Champion ...and get my clock cleaned..and still enjoy the game.....and ask that others feel the same when agreeing to play with me!...I'm here for the FUN...NOT to achieve that "55 scoring average...which I think is much too Unrealistic! Tks for your time....Jack

  • K7JBQ
    1,468 Posts
    Sat, May 18 2019 9:50 AM

    Welcome back. Yes, putting has changed a little, but not that much IMO. It's still the most challenging part of the game by far.

    As for creating games, I've found that limiting my player choices to one tier down and above works best. Masters and below do tend to avoid playing Legends, not so much for the competition but more because they aren't comfortable with the green speeds.

    And a lot of players just don't want to play the harder courses. If you select Merion or Olympic be prepared to see a lot of join/unjoin. It's just the way it is.

    Have fun, and look forward to seeing you on the tee.

  • DoctorLarry
    4,320 Posts
    Sat, May 18 2019 12:03 PM

    Welcome back, Jack.

    I know what you mean about the "Legend" label - at first it is all pain and no gain and there are so many "legends" that the variability in ability is large.  At least there are now three higher tiers to accommodate the better players.

    I would try getting folks in your CC to play matches and A/S first.  You can explain all this in the CC forum and ask for help.  Find some folks that play for fun, regardless of tier.  It can be a way to learn more about the current game from other players as well - especially with the amount of chat time in a 90-sec clock A/S!

    Have fun.

  • maruschak
    572 Posts
    Sun, May 19 2019 7:29 AM

    Thank you both Doc/KT) for your replies to my post, goal is to find players who "play" for the enjoyment of the game as well as the interacting with folks from all parts of the world,....I have encountered those who play to WIN....and winning is all they think about....seeing a player who is leveled high..with great skills.....quit a game due to a errant shot...or seeing a score which may reduce his avg by a decimal!!! When I played the real stroke average never came close to my current here...I'm not "bad"....but the idea that this game is "realistic"..and seeing players sporting an average in the 50s.....astounds me......more power to them....BUT the game surely leaves no challenges to them....I'll stick with "having those proverbial "BAD DAYS!!!  Tks again !

  • Kalliste
    1,415 Posts
    Sun, May 19 2019 2:57 PM

    Have sent you a friend invite...I too play for fun, but I must admit that I am not always available ...however I will look out out for youi if I am green and ready to play.

    Kind regards


  • maruschak
    572 Posts
    Tue, May 21 2019 8:57 AM

    Invite accepted...understanding the time zone differences...will be on the look out for you..although it may be a bit "iffy:....again ..tks..and look forward to a game with a player of both your talents as well as friendly and sportsmanship attitude!! 

    Whether I score below...or WELL above par...makes NO difference..I enjoy the game and the company!!!!   PS...My scores here no matter how high are very much lower than when I played this game ...for real!!!.......Tks again "Lady Mate!!!"