Guys! Bring the focus back to the issue!!!! Winning percentages or worthless coins is not the problem here! Geesh, maybe this only happens to me when I play, who knows.
But when a goofy sucker just exits out of a game, (closes or X's out of the browser) because they made a bad shot, it takes up to two minutes to end the game and reset! Sure, you get the win and the coins but you have to wait for the two minute period to end!
Now, I believe you can quit a game by pressing the forfeit button in the menu and it does the same thing (you lose the game and coins) but that two minute reset doesn't happen! It takes you immediately to the home page and your ready for another round!
Am l the only person that finds that two minute wait time annoying? My proposal simply stated that if you habitually exit games, there should be some way to see that, letting the community know, so we can block their dumb ass!