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Seven Suggestions

rated by 0 users
Fri, Jun 14 2019 4:57 PM (4 replies)
    11 Posts
    Thu, Jun 13 2019 2:26 PM

    1.  In practice games, permit players to select an individual hole to play rather than only all 9 or 18 or the “random” feature.

    2. For short approach shots (30-50 yards or so, generally too long for a pitch or chip) frequently you get only the ground level reverse angle view that you would see on a chip or pitch, not the "tower" view that you usually get for approach shots.  They should have the “tower” view for these shots as the reverse ground level view is useless for approach shots. Or have the view dependent on what shot you are using, e.g. tower for regular shot, reverse angle close view for pitch or chip.

    3.  In practice games the "tower view" is eliminated for mulligans (you only get the reverse angle ground level view, as in #2 above), it should be available for all shots.

    4.  It would be nice if the exact number of hits remaining could be shown for the ball you are using, as they do for the "special effects" feature (e.g., champagne bubbles for example).

    5.  Have a practice shot feature that allows you to try and hit the “ding” without hitting a shot.  This is nice if you have clubs with different speeds. 

    6.  On the greens, show the exact number of inches either up or down, or above or below the putting location.  Currently if the elevation is more than 2 feet it just displays “x feet”, it should show the exact number of inches (e.g., 41 inches for example).

    7.  In practice games on courses with multiple hole placements, I’ve noticed that the selection of “easy-medium-hard” often doesn’t work, e.g., you get the same hole placement regardless of which you select.  

  • borntobesting
    9,753 Posts
    Fri, Jun 14 2019 10:51 AM

    1 they already have it. WGT community/golf courses. You can choose any hole from anycourse except Cabo and Whistler.

    2. ??? the reverse view is almost perfect for lining up any shot. All you have to do is right click and use zoom in. You can be as precise as you want. 

    3 look above!

    4 if you watch the hit meter you pretty much know how many hits you have left.

    5 Why?? None of us has the same timing twice in a row and that would just waste time. 

    6 If you watch it does not say 2 feet if it is 2 feet it says 24 inches. 

    7 you will get the same hole at times because there are only 2 different hole placements on any hole. 

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Fri, Jun 14 2019 1:11 PM

    2. For short approach shots (30-50 yards or so, generally too long for a pitch or chip) frequently you get only the ground level reverse angle view that you would see on a chip or pitch, not the "tower" view that you usually get for approach shots

    Use the camera from the mini map to look at the shot in reverse, you get the view you 're wanting.

  • ScottHope
    10,616 Posts
    Fri, Jun 14 2019 1:39 PM

    Don't be overly concerned about hitting the ding line . If you have any kind of a crosswind or break on a putt, then you're better off, (in my opinion), clicking between and or and

  • DoctorLarry
    4,320 Posts
    Fri, Jun 14 2019 4:57 PM

    Several of these have already been addressed but I can add a little.

    #2 and #3.  You can sometimes get a different view if you change clubs or shot types.  Try it.  Changing from putter to wedge or vice-versa can do it and changing between full, chip, and pitch may do it.

    #5.  Equip the starter ball and play a single hole and flail away using mulligans if you want to time your clubs.  Ball meter speed will not be included, but you will get some practice.

    #6.  Sometimes a little sleuthing by moving the aimer around a lot on the green will help with determining actual elevation changes.  This is an option in WGT that is not available in RL!