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Ball Effects

Sun, Mar 28 2021 8:10 PM (20 replies)
  • Jejevanbaaren
    1 Posts
    Tue, Jun 18 2019 1:14 PM

    Anyone knows how to change or turn off the WGT special ball effects?


  • WGTChampion
    1,917 Posts
    Tue, Jun 18 2019 1:24 PM

    To use your ball effect on PC

    When in any game select the blue wand icon at the top of the screen to the right of the INVITES button. Select the ball effect you would like to use and SAVE. You can also turn off your ball effect at any time by selecting the wand again and choosing NONE. 


    To use your ball effect on Mobile

    When in any game select the ball icon in the bottom right like you were going to apply spin to your ball. Above the spin menu is the new ball effects menu. Here you can choose or purchase any ball effect. Select the one you want and close the box. This will apply the ball effect. You can also remove the ball effect at any time by going into the same menu and choosing the red circle with a line through it. 

  • AWBoyer
    3 Posts
    Fri, Apr 17 2020 6:30 AM


    I know this is an older thread but I have a question related to this that I hope you can answer for me. Do you need to purchase a ball effect for the spin feature to work? I am using balls with a 3 spin and clubs with a 3 spin but don't see any difference from when I was using the free WGT balls.


  • ScottHope
    10,658 Posts
    Fri, Apr 17 2020 1:05 PM

    The answer is no AWB.

    You should be getting some spin effect, at least with your cleveland wedges, but don't forget that the less power you use on a shot lessens any spin effect, and the reduction in spin compared to the reduction in power is probably not linear.

    Your irons are also not the best type for imparting spin, high trajectory clubs are better at spinning than medium or med/high.

  • AWBoyer
    3 Posts
    Fri, Apr 17 2020 1:22 PM


    I have seen people spin the ball back. I looked at the club and ball they were using and they had the same spin as the club and ball that I am using and I have never seen the ball spin back with my 60 degree wedge and a perfect swing. Also, when I try to adjust the dot on the ball, it tells me I need to purchase ball effects. I really don't want one of those trails on the ball when I am playing the game.

    The person I was playing against told me they put the dot at the bottom of the ball and that is how they got it to spin back when it hit the green

    I will purchase the ball effect if this is what allows me to adjust the dot but only if I can turn off the trail.



  • andwhy67
    2,816 Posts
    Sat, Apr 25 2020 9:03 AM

    Do you need to purchase a ball effect

    Anyone of sane mind wouldn’t purchase a ball effect, obviously if your 12 and just got your pocket money, there nice with a bag of sweets!

  • Robert1893
    7,732 Posts
    Sat, Apr 25 2020 9:55 AM



    I have seen people spin the ball back. I looked at the club and ball they were using and they had the same spin as the club and ball that I am using and I have never seen the ball spin back with my 60 degree wedge and a perfect swing. Also, when I try to adjust the dot on the ball, it tells me I need to purchase ball effects. I really don't want one of those trails on the ball when I am playing the game.

    The person I was playing against told me they put the dot at the bottom of the ball and that is how they got it to spin back when it hit the green

    I will purchase the ball effect if this is what allows me to adjust the dot but only if I can turn off the trail.



    There's absolutely no reason to purchase ball effects. They're not needed to put spin on the ball. When you're applying spin, make sure you're just clicking the green dot to move it. 

    What platform are you playing on? 

  • AWBoyer
    3 Posts
    Mon, Apr 27 2020 5:49 AM

    Hi ScottHope,

    I am playing on Android. I have been moving the green dot down to the bottom edge of the ball and I did not notice any effects. The ball was still rolling out pretty far after impact with the green.

    Now I have to buy more balls as I just lost the lat of the balls I was using that had a "spin" attribute.

    I may try something with a higher spin rate than what I was trying before but I am still confused when I adjust the green dot that it tells me to make it work I need to purchase ball effects.



  • HockeyTown2g
    104 Posts
    Wed, May 6 2020 3:59 PM

    Thank you, 

    I have done that red circle select, but my ball effects are still there. I'm wondering if there's a glitch somewhere in my settings. Any answers/solutions would be greatly appreciated.



  • ScottHope
    10,658 Posts
    Thu, May 7 2020 1:16 AM

    Does the red circle (not allowed) symbol slightly darken when you hover over it before clicking? If not then the target area might be out of alignment and clicking on it won't activate it.