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Tournaments vs. "Coin” Challenges & Practice Programming

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Wed, Aug 21 2019 8:47 PM (5 replies)
  • TheUmp13
    1 Posts
    Mon, Jul 8 2019 11:16 AM

    I have not found an answer to the two questions in the WGT Forum, so I'll post the questions and hope for knowledgeable replies.

    I am playing on an iPad (Mobile game) which I understand is different than playing on a PC.  The iPad even is different than an Android phone.

    In Practice and Challenges (where you tap the "Play Now" button) two frustrating differences occur. 

    (1) My Driver and 3 Wood distances in the Club Selection are as much as 18 yards higher Challenges/Practice than in Tournaments.  I think this is due to Apparel levels, but why?

    (2) The "Green" power scale is not showing up in the Putter Pal in Tournaments but it does for Challenges and practice.  Why can’t the same programming apply to Tournaments?

  • WGTShamWow
    924 Posts
    Mon, Jul 8 2019 6:04 PM

    Hi Ump,

    Apparel item bonuses would only apply to coin room rounds, as this is where coins and apparel items are earned through playing. Unfortunately their bonuses wouldn't apply to other game modes such as tournaments. So if you were using an apparel that gives you a distance bonus to your 3 wood, you would see this bonus in coin room rounds but not in tournaments or regular stroke play practice/ranked rounds. 

    The green putting tip marker, which is different than the percentage lines given by Putter Pal/Shot Pal in game, shows on practice rounds and in lower entry coin room rounds. In higher entry rounds and tournaments/ranked rounds, you wouldn't see this green bar. 


  • SimonTheBeetle
    3,659 Posts
    Mon, Jul 8 2019 8:31 PM

    To be honest with you WGT, I find apparel item bonuses are useless, never do any good to anyone at any level.

    High-level players have their clubs mapped out so changing the yardage of clubs does nothing but making calculations more complicated. I myself use apparels uniquely for appearance and leave them as default for abilities most of times.

    Less experienced players, on the other hand, may enjoy extra yardage, extra precision, extra forgiveness, extra whatever given by appareal item bonuses when playing in coin rooms at first, but eventually they will only get frustrated and disappointed when they find out they can't use those boni for tournaments & rated rounds when it really matters.

    Also I'm sick and tired of hearing those rumours and myth of mobile players taking advantage of the bonuses in any type of games. Some spread it out on purpose while others innocently and ignorantly believe it. Either way... just get rid of it so that it puts the end of this ridiculous myth.

    Instead, make silver coins more useful (i.e. allow players to purchase balls with them) and you will witness a whole lot more play in coin rooms.

  • AlaskanDame
    19,670 Posts
    Mon, Jul 8 2019 10:36 PM


    Hi Ump,

    Apparel item bonuses would only apply to coin room rounds. . . 


    Mr. ShamWow is almost completely correct. Apparel item bonuses also apply in Clash rounds (which are not played in coin rooms).

  • AlaskanDame
    19,670 Posts
    Mon, Jul 8 2019 10:36 PM


    Hi Ump,

    Apparel item bonuses would only apply to coin room rounds. . . 


    Mr. ShamWow is almost completely correct. Apparel item bonuses also apply in Clash rounds (which are not played in coin rooms).

  • fobby1980
    310 Posts
    Wed, Aug 21 2019 8:47 PM

    Occam’s Razor: never attribute malice to intent when incompetence will suffice. Perhaps there were players who saw apparel’s effects with clashes/turf wars, and solos; and mistakenly thought those bonuses would apply to tournaments also.


    To be honest with you WGT, I find apparel item bonuses are useless, never do any good to anyone at any level.

    High-level players have their clubs mapped out so changing the yardage of clubs does nothing but making calculations more complicated. I myself use apparels uniquely for appearance and leave them as default for abilities most of times.

    Less experienced players, on the other hand, may enjoy extra yardage, extra precision, extra forgiveness, extra whatever given by appareal item bonuses when playing in coin rooms at first, but eventually they will only get frustrated and disappointed when they find out they can't use those boni for tournaments & rated rounds when it really matters.

    Also I'm sick and tired of hearing those rumours and myth of mobile players taking advantage of the bonuses in any type of games. Some spread it out on purpose while others innocently and ignorantly believe it. Either way... just get rid of it so that it puts the end of this ridiculous myth.

    Instead, make silver coins more useful (i.e. allow players to purchase balls with them) and you will witness a whole lot more play in coin rooms.