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Profile Updating workaround Do Not Play Free Pass

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Mon, Jul 22 2019 6:41 AM (3 replies)
  • HalHoff
    895 Posts
    Sun, Jul 21 2019 4:37 PM


    *****Issue is now fixed with the 7/24 update. I had to delete app and reinstall but countdown timer working properly now*****


    Profile updating interruption as noted in the other thread is caused by the free pass countdown timer going haywire. To have that not happen. DO NOT PLAY YOUR FREE PASS, or 4 if you are a Premier Pass holder. As long as you have the free pass (or passes) on hand, the countdown timer is not actively running down creating havoc.

    When the countdown timer is messing up, you will get the Updating Profile BS. Alain noted  it in the announcements thread back when Android had the update. It apparently hasn’t been fixed for android or IOS. 

    If you play TurfWars or Clash, I suggest you buy your passes ahead of time so you don’t activate your free pass countdown.

  • HalHoff
    895 Posts
    Sun, Jul 21 2019 4:53 PM

    One of my members was just having issues and took my advice. He bought 25 passes and then came on to tell me he no longer has the Updating profile issue and said it was like night and day. You can fix the issue that fast with a pass on hand. 

    You don’t have to buy 25 (he plays TW) to fix it.

  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Sun, Jul 21 2019 9:31 PM

    IMHO, you are proposing to throw money in their throat to compensate their failures.

    I'd leave the CC passes alone - your L20 CC don't need them!

  • HalHoff
    895 Posts
    Mon, Jul 22 2019 6:41 AM

    The proposal is to Not use the free pass. “If” members take part in TurfWar ...or Clash, the reminder is to have passes on hand to stop the uploading profile issue. I have not heard of it being a PC issue, just a mobile issue.

    You are right, the country club does not need it. Members have been told NOT to play a pass.



    Issue appears to be fixed with the update on 7/24. I didn’t see update available on my device but I deleted app and re downloaded and the countdown timer is now fixed!