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Sun, Apr 5 2020 10:50 AM (29 replies)
  • CB6000s
    5 Posts
    Mon, Jul 29 2019 2:25 AM
    Good morning all. I’m a new player here and already really enjoy the game but I was just wondering what the etiquette is at the start, and during a game. I alway wish my opponent good luck but seldom do I get a response. The same goes if I compliment them on a good shot. Do people ‘chat’ on here or is it best to stay silent. Perhaps I’m just old fashioned. Best Colin
  • TopShelf2010
    10,962 Posts
    Mon, Jul 29 2019 11:06 AM


  • Saratogan
    68 Posts
    Mon, Jul 29 2019 11:31 AM

    Speaking of letting the clock expire.  I have experienced on more than a few occasions that the clock counts down to zero for my opponent and just remains there for up to 20 seconds (I have counted them).  Then the opponent is actually allowed to hit the ball well after the time is expired.  What is going on?  Is my opponent experiencing the same thing that I am?  Why the apparent leniency?  I almost never let my clock go to zero and catch the warning as I think that is poor etiquette.  Some people don't seem to worry about it.  Are they asleep or something?  The game pings you when it's your turn to take a shot.  The stop watch is counting down.  Hello, hello.  Is anybody there?

  • andwhy67
    2,816 Posts
    Mon, Jul 29 2019 12:28 PM

    Good morning all. I’m a new player here and already really enjoy the game but I was just wondering what the etiquette is at the start, and during a game. I alway wish my opponent good luck but seldom do I get a response. The same goes if I compliment them on a good shot. Do people ‘chat’ on here or is it best to stay silent. Perhaps I’m just old fashioned. Best Colin

    Each to their own, as mentioned some wont speak, some will.

    When your ready, find yourself a good Country Club.

  • CB6000s
    5 Posts
    Mon, Jul 29 2019 1:10 PM
    Hello Don. Thanks for the reply. I suppose it’s just because I’m a bit of a chatterbox that I asked. Everyone is different. I understand that. I shall continue wishing good luck and take people as they are. Best Colin
  • pooped169
    123 Posts
    Mon, Jul 29 2019 3:45 PM

    Patience my friend. You will encounter all types here. The good, the bad, and the ugly. ..... And the hilarious. It took me a long time to find my niche of players. Now I'm in a group that's  funny, helpful, serious, family oriented.. In time you will find yours too.

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Mon, Jul 29 2019 4:32 PM

    Good morning all. I’m a new player here and already really enjoy the game but I was just wondering what the etiquette is at the start, and during a game. I alway wish my opponent good luck but seldom do I get a response. The same goes if I compliment them on a good shot. Do people ‘chat’ on here or is it best to stay silent. Perhaps I’m just old fashioned. Best Colin

    Do your thing, you have it right. There's  myriad reasons why players interact or don't. Some don't know how, some are multitasking and some just want to play. Adding what you do to a match by recognizing good efforts goes a long way to opening doors to genuine friendships.

    FWIW, there's a shorthand of sorts in MP play that makes it easier to deal with the chat. A few........

    NS   Nice shot

    XE  Excellent effort

    N Up

    N on

    GT  Good try

    Well done

    Nice putt (even on near misses)

    Tx, Tys, Tyas    Acknowledgement

    You get the drift.......  ;-)

  • BOZskills
    417 Posts
    Mon, Jul 29 2019 7:08 PM

    First welcome and good golfing. My 1 piece of advice is that it is always better to send a message when you are on the clock,not your opponent! This is especially helpful for example when your opponent is putting,as it can disrupt their routine,or the flashing X can be distracting. Enjoy the game don't let the crazies get you down!

  • CB6000s
    5 Posts
    Tue, Jul 30 2019 1:35 AM
    Thank you all for taking the time to comment and the helpful advice. Very useful. See you at the 19th Best Colin
  • ScottHope
    10,569 Posts
    Tue, Jul 30 2019 4:28 AM

    AutoHotKey is good if you don't like typing. Hotstrings can be created for text replacement purposes. The syntax for Hotstrings is like this...

    ::ntm::nice to meet you

    So if you typed...   ntm   ...into the chatbox, then hit enter...   nice to meet you  ...would be posted into the chat.

    The abbreviation can be whatever you like, as can the replacement text, and you can have as many Hotstrings in your script as you can think of, or remember!

    Once you've installed AHK (AutoHotKey) you can use Windows notepad to write your scripts in.

    To write your first script you can use my example above. Just open Notepad, type in...   ::ntm::nice to meet you   ...then save your notepad file. The important bit is when you save the file. Normally, a notepad file will have .txt at the end when you save it, but for the AHK script to work, it has to have .ahk at the end instead. You can name the file whatever you like but it must end with .ahk   For example, myFirstScript.ahk

    You can now close notepad. Go to where you saved the file, the file icon won't look like a notepad file icon, it looks like a sheet of paper with an 'H' on it. Double click the file to run it. If the script is running you should see an AHK icon Related image in your system tray (next to your taskbar clock).

    To test out the hotstring, open any program into which you can type out text, type in the hotstring abbreviation, in this case it's...  ntm  ...then type a space or hit enter and you should get...   nice to meet you   ...appearing on the page.

    This can be a bit inconvenient sometimes because anywhere you type the abbreviation, you get the 'nice to meet you', but you can specify where you want the hotstring to work so that it doesn't become a pain.

    You can stop the script from running by right clicking the system tray icon, and selecting 'exit' from the menu.

    Have fun.  ; )