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Option to putt with flag in.

rated by 0 users
Wed, Jul 31 2019 11:36 PM (5 replies)
  • Lexdyslic
    66 Posts
    Tue, Jul 30 2019 7:22 PM

    As per the new rules of Golf... we at WGT should be given the option to leave flag In when putting ( not invisible). 

  • garyk49
    2,333 Posts
    Tue, Jul 30 2019 8:24 PM

    You have that option now, always have.  Top right of screen.

  • alosso
    21,088 Posts
    Tue, Jul 30 2019 10:23 PM

    Not really.

    When putting from the green, the flag is automatically pulled. In replay, it's shown anyway, whether in or out.

    Concerning the OP's wish, careful! WGT's flagsticks are infamous for their ability to load the balls with inertia. Approaches fly further from the flag than towards it - you would not want this while putting.

    Experience also shows that any modification has it's downside - I call it betterworsening. Just now, after the downtime, there's a severe stroke play counting issue!

  • garyk49
    2,333 Posts
    Wed, Jul 31 2019 7:01 AM


    Not really.

    When putting from the green, the flag is automatically pulled. In replay, it's shown anyway, whether in or out.

    Concerning the OP's wish, careful! WGT's flagsticks are infamous for their ability to load the balls with inertia. Approaches fly further from the flag than towards it - you would not want this while putting.

    Experience also shows that any modification has it's downside - I call it betterworsening. Just now, after the downtime, there's a severe stroke play counting issue!


    You are correct as far as the bottom of the pin not being there when the pin is in.  That does only apply when the ball is on the green tho.  If on fringe, the bottom of the pin will be there, unless pulled.

    Was playing a game and just thought about this.  But my question, as you stated about leaving the pin in on approaches, it could do the same thing when putting.  Oh, wait, now I get it.  The OP wants to hear the dink.  Watch what you wish for!!!!!  Putts don't always drop here with the pin in.


  • Robert1893
    7,729 Posts
    Wed, Jul 31 2019 7:36 AM


  • alosso
    21,088 Posts
    Wed, Jul 31 2019 11:36 PM


    In real golf, however, I saw a serious investigation following the new rule "you may leave the flag in". It says that, mechanically, the flagstick is positive to putt success - and that doesn't account for the mental advantage of having a shiny target!

    Nevertheless, I continue to pull flags when playing in groups, at least when we come closer. This is meant to make it easier to grab the balls from the hole and NOT to let the lazybones damage the holes by pulling the balls with the flagstick and raising the cup and the hole edges ("crater effect").