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Tiered up - why did average go up?

Thu, Aug 8 2019 4:26 AM (18 replies)
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  • boris332
    17 Posts
    Thu, Aug 1 2019 9:21 AM
    Tiered up - why did average go up?
    01 Aug

    hello - I recently tiered up to TM. This happened the other night where I was working on lowering my ave to achieve this new level. I was at 63.38 and played a bunch of 2-3 under rounds. Checked my ave before retiring for evening and nothing had changed, ie 63.38 remained. The next morning I played a quick 1 hole head to head and then received a congratulatory note saying I finally achieved TM status. Guessing there was some late math done overnight. 

    My question is why now is my ave 69.24? 

    note - I did get caught up in the ‘downtime’ fiasco. For a while my ave was 4?

    thanks for any help on this  I don’t usually post, so not certain I’m in right place to ask.

  • TopShelf2010
    10,967 Posts
    Thu, Aug 1 2019 9:43 AM


  • DodgyPutter
    4,690 Posts
    Thu, Aug 1 2019 10:26 AM

    Your average resets at each new tier so as said above if your first round after was for instance 35 your average would be 70 (a couple of things to remember your 9 hole score is doubled for your average and -2-3 isn't really relevant it's only the score).

    You certainly shouldn't have been promoted and immediately had an average of 69.24, surely that would need to involve at least four rounds and even then would be xx.25.  I'm a bit mystified by this but I reckon your average must be counting a lot of rounds. 

    Maybe the odd scores in your history have something to do with it, I don't know about the "downtime fiasco". 

    I feel like I must be missing something obvious :-/

  • alosso
    21,083 Posts
    Thu, Aug 1 2019 9:50 PM

    Guessing there was some late math done overnight. 
    Tier changes are immediate, either on finishing a round and the new average calculation, or when WGT releases prizes for tournaments - the credits will alter the average and may cause an overnight raise.

    In your case, WGT's scoring bug may be relevant, too, and your HTH game may wrongly have brought your average down with a single digit score.

    Did you check the average after the promotion and before playing the first round of any kind as a TM?

  • Dougie4042
    4,410 Posts
    Fri, Aug 2 2019 1:00 AM

    Now see, this is where you gotta have some fun.  During your very first round after you've tiered up, turn around and hit every ball Oscar Bravo (out-of-bounds).  Your average will start out at 180.

    You're welcome!

  • boris332
    17 Posts
    Fri, Aug 2 2019 3:49 AM

    Hi - unfortunately I did not. I played this HTH game first thing in the morning (before first sip of coffee). I often start my day playing a few quick HTH games. As mentioned in original post, my ave was 63.38 around 11pm (EST) after playing a few late 9 hole rounds, scoring about 2-3 under par on each. Nothing much but a bit. 

    In morning, after my blurry start to my day, I played HTH. That’s when my tier changed  

    I’ve sent email to wgt support for help as well. They’ve responded they are looking into matter. 

    Thank you for your help on this. Much appreciated. I really do enjoy this game. We’re all in direct competition with ourselves so keeping track of scoring/progress/improvement is important. Want it right. 

    Thanks again!

  • boris332
    17 Posts
    Fri, Aug 2 2019 4:07 AM

    How would this help or are you trying to make a point?

    Curious why anyone would artificially alter (hitting out of bounds on purpose) their score ultimately seeing your ave change to 180? 


  • alosso
    21,083 Posts
    Fri, Aug 2 2019 10:50 PM

    In morning, after my blurry start to my day, I played HTH. That’s when my tier changed  
    I understand you that the change wasn't out of the blue but connected to that HTH? That was the scoring bug that I mentioned.

    Look at your score history: Unexpectedly, the HTH counted as a single digit stroke play round. That would significantly drop your average and probably raised you to the next tier.

    Champ, the mod, has made some remarks about their actions. Have a look!

  • boris332
    17 Posts
    Sat, Aug 3 2019 4:20 AM


    ‘Look at your score history: Unexpectedly, the HTH counted as a single digit stroke play round. That would significantly drop your average and probably raised you to the next tier.’

    Before my tier change my lowest ave was 63.38, just shy of TM progression. Are you saying the HTH round I played had a more than .38 ave difference? That seems like a large jump. OR, was it the combination of HTH along with probably 4 or 5 rounds (2-3 under) per round. 

    Either way it moved me to TM however, as we speak, my ave is 69.7? 

    Also, you mention ‘the mod’ made some remarks....where would I find?

    Thanks for looking at this for me alosso. Sorry to be such a novice. 

  • Dougie4042
    4,410 Posts
    Sat, Aug 3 2019 4:38 PM

    How would this help or are you trying to make a point?

    Lol, your name would be Boris.  And why so serious, good sir?  Do you know how short life is?

    Have a good one.  :-)

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