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Mon, Aug 12 2019 3:23 PM (3 replies)
  • gbut22
    16 Posts
    Sun, Aug 11 2019 6:23 PM

    I have just purchased $50 of credits and because I live in Australia I was charged $75 I realise that this is because of rates of exchange so could you have a bank in Australia into witch we can make payments? As a pensioner I am finding it very hard to stay in the game , the WGT balls are far too fast for me. I love the game and at 83yo there is not much else I can play. Please give it some consideration. thank you very much. Gbut22

  • TopShelf2010
    10,969 Posts
    Mon, Aug 12 2019 3:12 PM


  • alosso
    21,088 Posts
    Mon, Aug 12 2019 3:21 PM

    I have just purchased $50 of credits and because I live in Australia I was charged $75 I realise that this is because of rates of exchange
    From, I see that 1 USD is equivalent to 1.48 AUD - perfect match!

    Concerning the balls, the L33 Callies that you play are quite a good compromise between slow performance and low price.

  • DoctorLarry
    4,320 Posts
    Mon, Aug 12 2019 3:23 PM


    I have just purchased $50 of credits and because I live in Australia I was charged $75 I realise that this is because of rates of exchange so could you have a bank in Australia into witch we can make payments? As a pensioner I am finding it very hard to stay in the game , the WGT balls are far too fast for me. I love the game and at 83yo there is not much else I can play. Please give it some consideration. thank you very much. Gbut22

    That was because the US dollar is equivalent to about 1.50 Aus dollars currently.  WGT operates in US dollars, so the exchange rate for any country will apply.

    You are not buying $50 worth of credits - you are buying 5000 credits that cost $50 (USD) in the US and $75 (AUSD).

    If WGT used a bank in Australia - the 5000 credits would still cost 75 AUSD.  If they set the cost of credits to be 100 credits to 1 AUSD, the US users would be paying 75 cents (USD) for them.

    Interestingly, there was a period in 2011-2012 where the exchange rate was less than 1.0, so the 5000 credits would have been more like $45 AUSD.