All things considered,,, an excellent game,,, except... You are a money making sight,,, we pay to play some courses,,,tournaments...improved equipment,,, balls,,, etc However my one source of absolute frustration and most visible playing in a tournament format,,, all to often,,, my shot results do not match my abilities... Otherwise,,, there factors instilled in this game that I have no control over... I have played enough to see this design happens enough that you can't pass it off as the rub of the green...
ONE example just now playing St. Andrews... Level putt to the hole,,, very fast greens,,, top dollar putter,,, almost straight in... Distance 5.7 feet to the hole,,, on the 15 yard scale,,, I hit the putt at 45%,,, right on the nuts... Putt comes up short...
When I try to ask,,, how does this happen,,, just once can someone give me an honest answer... Nothing,,, no one no where has time...
We invest money to improve,,, all I want is a honest results...
I left this game long ago,,, because of this BS... Friend wanted me to try it again... Immediately invested in a new driver,,, better putter,,, working at updating my wedges...
Yet perfectly good shots,,, can end up absolutely funky,,, why???
Any format other than tournament,,, I rarely miss from feet in... Consistent from 10 in,,, yet these same putts have a habit of rimming out,,, or re-act totally different from what I see in match play etc...
I made up my mind,,, I'll continue to play,,, however not a penny more,,, under any condition until someone gives a paying customer the respect of ten minutes of there time... TY Mr. Shazam