I just like to say, ....no less than 3 times in the recent past, I was ivolved in a match play game,....on a particular hole, by virtue of a"lost" ball...or a lie I was not able to escape from...I chose to either "pick up my ball"....or "concede the hole",.........in both cases the "sorry, there's been an error" message appeared, and I was removed from the game..(disonnected) ...unable to return.
Consequenrtly my opponnent wil assume I "QUIT",...........althopugh in most cases, I wil send a message explainin the situation. But he fact remains,...at times when one "picks up" or "concedes the hole"..... Bad things can happen that are out of the players' control!
So I ask all to keep that in mind.........don't be quick to label someone a quitter!