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There are very rude people playing this game.

Sun, Aug 18 2019 9:17 PM (9 replies)
  • kevinsudds
    1 Posts
    Thu, Aug 15 2019 6:23 PM

    My dad who has recently lost most but not all of his sight and was an avid golfer still trys to play this game online until recently he told me he will never play this game again, he was playing WGT tonight and his opponent kept sending him disparaging remarks texting him and laughing at him my dad could'nt read the text, so I was close to him and I saw the texts and typed to the other player expalining to him my dad's condition and telling him he wasn't being rude by not responding but he could see the text he barely could see the graphics, my dad loves this game and WGT makes him fee like he can still play eventhough he can't see well. The other player responded and said that he shouldn't be playing this game, this is not the first time this has happened to him here, I was taught the game of  golf was a gentleman's game and I hope in the future this community doesn't make anyone feel unwanted and unconnected to a game he enjoyed for so long. 


  • alosso
    21,083 Posts
    Fri, Aug 16 2019 12:50 PM

    This is an online computer game - expect all colours of people, friendly and rude, good and evil!

    You might want to make friends or join a CC for more pleasant encounters. Explain the handicap to them.

    My best guess to react to rude players would be, either to quit the game, or to tell them, "Give me more of your puke so I can report more to WGT."

    Anyway, block them in your account!

  • jimshaw39
    675 Posts
    Fri, Aug 16 2019 12:59 PM


    This is an online computer game - expect all colours of people, friendly and rude, good and evil!

    You might want to make friends or join a CC for more pleasant encounters. Explain the handicap to them.

    My best guess to react to rude players would be, either to quit the game, or to tell them, "Give me more of your puke so I can report more to WGT."

    Anyway, block them in your account!


  • jimshaw39
    675 Posts
    Fri, Aug 16 2019 12:59 PM


    This is an online computer game - expect all colours of people, friendly and rude, good and evil!

    You might want to make friends or join a CC for more pleasant encounters. Explain the handicap to them.

    My best guess to react to rude players would be, either to quit the game, or to tell them, "Give me more of your puke so I can report more to WGT."

    Anyway, block them in your account!


  • BOZskills
    417 Posts
    Fri, Aug 16 2019 1:07 PM

    Unfortunately, blocking them doesn't prevent getting matched up againist them. I think your advise about joining a cc and playing friends is excellent,also simple playing practice rounds where he would be able to take mulligans. Either way, GL to the op! There are definely alot of what i like to call the wgt crazies playing this game.

  • SlickHunter
    1,034 Posts
    Fri, Aug 16 2019 1:17 PM

    As soon as you detect rudeness, don’t read their chat, and focus on the match.

  • Dave33200
    2,955 Posts
    Fri, Aug 16 2019 2:05 PM


    My dad who has recently lost most but not all of his sight and was an avid golfer still trys to play this game online until recently he told me he will never play this game again, he was playing WGT tonight and his opponent kept sending him disparaging remarks texting him and laughing at him my dad could'nt read the text, so I was close to him and I saw the texts and typed to the other player expalining to him my dad's condition and telling him he wasn't being rude by not responding but he could see the text he barely could see the graphics, my dad loves this game and WGT makes him fee like he can still play eventhough he can't see well. The other player responded and said that he shouldn't be playing this game, this is not the first time this has happened to him here, I was taught the game of  golf was a gentleman's game and I hope in the future this community doesn't make anyone feel unwanted and unconnected to a game he enjoyed for so long. 



    Kevin, help you dad join a Country Club (CC). In the CC he can make many friends who will play games with him and I’m sure most will be kind and pleasant to chat with.


    In our club there a few of us that play most every night. We use the Discord app with live chat so you don’t have to type or read what the others are saying. It’s a lot of fun and everyone is very nice to each other. In fact, most of the time we make each other laugh a little bit to mush and we mis-hit our ball.



    Hope you Dad comes back and plays some more. 


  • bossbird
    2,245 Posts
    Fri, Aug 16 2019 2:18 PM

    Just turn chat off on your fathers settings so he can’t see any chat , if someone he plays starts typing , they will just be writing to themselves 

    6,890 Posts
    Sun, Aug 18 2019 6:05 PM


    Please have your Dad request to join my club "The Founders Club" ...I will personally help him make friends with some very solid members ...Including my friend Bill who ironically enough has a very similar sight condition !!  But a nicer guy you won't find...To be honest when I read your post I thought for a moment you might be referring to him... 

    But I can assure you he will enjoy his experience here ...I don't like people that would treat someone that way!! But unfortunately they are around in WGT...Best of luck to your dad either way...

                                                                                              Sincerely JD, 

  • theshortdriver
    138 Posts
    Sun, Aug 18 2019 9:17 PM

    Yes agreed and some players on here do not play this game for the fun it is a to them a cutthroat game and they will call everything and everyone down when they do not focus on their shots like you need to do on this site and then get a bad is unfortunate for sure and I have met many that cannot handle loosing to a video golf game ..and I bet we all have met them at some point..  I submitted a post that I hope W G T..reads it.....its about blocked players playing in rounds where the host or hostess has blocked certain players out .. I would love to see a letter B..beside the blocked player who joined that round but visible to the host..Only... to let them Know a player or player's are blocked on their list..and trying to join..that way same as now they can let them play..or boot them from the round before it starts as many off us forget who is on the list they have one likes a quitter..but I do think sometimes in real life thing's pops up and u may have to..leave..a happens..and that is what the forfeit feature was put here for..and by using it before you take your shot no one waits for your return..and we all know you will not be coming back..and to me that is all good if you do it that way..but what gets me and I think other players is.. clicking ..X....witch should only be clicked to reset the round for ya if an error occurred on your round..and when ya return to the game most times it is now fixed ...but   by just up and quitting by clicking the wrong way for sure to quit or leave and everyone now waits on them to return and that to me ticks players off I if you are going to quit..go through the menu and please forfeit..take care all and be safe