Bigcountry317, TdotDoba & Myself went out as a 3some for this round..
Aaron, Paul and Dodgy old me had an absolute blast playing in Honour of Dennis, Forget the golf, We all agree that Dennis was hiding in the bushes/ Trees just having a laugh on our behest
Simply a brilliant, Fun filled game with old mates that had an absolute blast and bollox to the laughter of Andyson we heard almost every shot of the B9 the Bugger lmao...
Quality time spent with the best of company is held way higher than knocking in a 54 aha
If I could have 2hrs of that Classy company and banter and say bollox to everything else I would jump at it..
Dotty and Aaron will be along later to tell you about the fun, Aaron has the screenshot so I don`t get blamed for effing it up lmao That`s all down to Aaron :-)
No idea of scores, Dennis decided the back 9 would be booby trapped pfft it was .
The best of fun my friends and that is what Andyson was all about..!