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Change ball in the middle of a game

Mon, Nov 11 2019 10:20 PM (33 replies)
  • DrBBO
    3 Posts
    Wed, Aug 21 2019 1:58 PM

    One of my pet peeves with this game is when I take my last shot on a ball, and because I don't have anymore of those exact balls, I'm stuck playing with the standard ball for the rest of the game.  This is especially frustrating, being that I have multiple types of other balls that I'd rather play over the standard ball.  There should be a popup in the game letting you change balls to whatever you like, rather than giving us the default ball, in the middle of a sometimes very important game.  

  • dchallenger
    545 Posts
    Wed, Aug 21 2019 4:54 PM

    the pop-up that exists is: YOU ARE OUT.  BUY MORE NOW?

    That change happened a year+ ago.  Solves problem of running out.

    sooo....what was your beef?


  • BOZskills
    417 Posts
    Wed, Aug 21 2019 5:03 PM

    Dude,this has been discussed like a million times in the forums,(see search bar-----).To summarize,first it is againist the rules of golf to change balls during a round,secondly those other balls you have in your stash aren't at the course with you. Think of it as though they are back in your garage.

  • DrBBO
    3 Posts
    Wed, Aug 21 2019 5:21 PM

    My problem is if I want to use other balls outside of the one I have now.  The buy more option is just to re-buy the same exact ball I was using before.

  • borntobesting
    9,753 Posts
    Wed, Aug 21 2019 6:11 PM

    One of my pet peeves with this game is when I take my last shot on a ball, and because I don't have anymore of those exact balls, I'm stuck playing with the standard ball for the rest of the game.  This is especially frustrating, being that I have multiple types of other balls that I'd rather play over the standard ball.  There should be a popup in the game letting you change balls to whatever you like, rather than giving us the default ball, in the middle of a sometimes very important game.  

    You are given the opportunity to buy another sleeve when you get down to your last ball, And unlike it was a few years ago you are now given the opportunity to buy another sleeve after you lose or wear out your last ball, Why would you even begin a very important game without enough balls to finish the round? That is just poor game management on your part.
  • DoctorLarry
    4,320 Posts
    Wed, Aug 21 2019 9:25 PM

    This is especially frustrating, being that I have multiple types of other balls that I'd rather play over the standard ball.

    You know that is not allowed in RL, right?  Gotta play the same type ball for the round.

  • alosso
    21,088 Posts
    Wed, Aug 21 2019 11:22 PM

    It's not exactly in the golf rules but in special rules for special tournaments.

    From Joe Sixpackgolfer to the average amateur tournament player, we may use any combo of balls!

    In WGTland, it's rather stemming from the fact that the bag is closed during play, with only one slot for balls. For the longest time, we've been allowed to "refill" through the round.

    One of my pet peeves with this game is when I take my last shot on a ball, and because I don't have anymore of those exact balls, I'm stuck playing with the standard ball for the rest of the game.

    Your pet peeve should be your preparation for the game.

    Either you play a serious round (e.g. single play tourney) and prepare for balls lost or "worn out", or it's casual = doesn't matter too much to you, which is perfectly o.k.. In the latter case, you may quit, load a new type of balls and return to tee 1 of the course in a split second.

    Your choice.

  • DrBBO
    3 Posts
    Thu, Aug 22 2019 5:31 PM

    I did not know this was not allowed in real life. That, in of itself, summarizes why WGT doesn't allow it.  Thanks.

  • santa084
    114 Posts
    Thu, Aug 22 2019 10:42 PM

    At least they should show you how many balls you have left. So you don't waste money buying another sleeve of balls, when you may have 2balls left in your bag. I know I should check before the game but sometimes it slip my mind.

  • BobbyJones64
    10 Posts
    Fri, Aug 23 2019 3:57 AM

    What happens if you don't have enough credits to buy that same ball?

    Of course, you can always pay real money - but I will not.

    Yes, this thread has been done before, but for new players it would be nice for a fresh thread. To add my two cents, I would like to say that replacing a premium ball with a starter is also against the rules of golf, so why the pretense that WGT is following the rules of golf when it is not.

    Today, I started a challenge and after one shot, my ball ran out and was immediately replaced with a WGT Starter ball. There was no warning, no opportunity to buy the ball I had been playing. So I went looking for that ball and I cannot find it. Did WGT suddenly get rid of a bunch of balls without telling us? Perhaps they did, but I never saw any announcement.

    WGT is about to lose a member because they are not responsive to reasonable requests.