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Putting techniques for mobile

Thu, Oct 3 2019 4:12 PM (6 replies)
  • fobby1980
    310 Posts
    Thu, Sep 12 2019 9:50 AM

    Who is the wizard that’s willing to step up and share his putting secrets for mobile version?

  • BOZskills
    417 Posts
    Thu, Sep 12 2019 5:24 PM

    Fobby,i'm no great putter,but i use the 5 point aiming system,that you can find a video of if you just google wgt 5point putting aiming video. It's also in the forum history. It's not perfect but it's simpleand once you learn it and make yours(refine it to match your style and how you look at break etc.) It's quite effective! Hope this helps,GL!

  • SeveFrost
    1,615 Posts
    Fri, Sep 13 2019 1:22 AM

    Fobby, first get your green speed calculations sorted, until you do that you'll have problems. Secondly, try putting from the reverse angle as you see the line much better than from the straight on view (it will take a while getting used to it but it pays off), remember the drops and rises in the green convert to + or - a foot for every inch of the rise/drop, in regard to breaks on putts - the moving dots show you the direction of the break and the faster they're moving the more break there is in the putt, lastly just practice as much as you can as that's the only way you'll improve


    one more thing, when I first played on PC and the early days of mobile I used to move the cursor to where I thought the break was but relying on hitting the ding consistently brings extra pressure so try the off ding method and you'll soon realise how far you have to miss the ding line

  • fobby1980
    310 Posts
    Sun, Sep 15 2019 11:06 AM

    Thanks for the inputs guys. However Seve I’m already proficient in calculating speed; what I asked for is a reliable way of aiming. I tried the 5-points technique but I think it’s not really accurate for mobile. I recently started working on a speed-independent method of aiming specifically for mobile. The inspiration came from Tekoma’s idea of aligning the grid, but I’m trying to simplify it because his was too convoluted I think. I’ll need to record some videos and post them for discussion. 

  • Magicware
    5 Posts
    Wed, Oct 2 2019 11:57 AM
    I look forward to watching those videos! Please let us know whenever you upload them. :)
  • SeveFrost
    1,615 Posts
    Thu, Oct 3 2019 1:06 PM

    Sorry, Fobby. My playing is all to do with feel so most of the reads are with a through experience of imagination by looking at the contours. I will sometimes use the grid showing how the ball rolls on the green, and often use for speed to determine how much it will break but being an off-ding putter probably makes it tougher giving out tips, but I stand by the 'putting in reverse/behind the hole' method, where you do see the line better

  • BOZskills
    417 Posts
    Thu, Oct 3 2019 4:12 PM

    Sounds good Fobby,looking forward to the vids.