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Monthly Tiered Stroke Tournament (Sept) for Legends - Chambers Bay

rated by 0 users
Mon, Sep 30 2019 4:40 PM (6 replies)
  • LennySkynyrd
    21 Posts
    Sat, Sep 28 2019 8:06 AM

    Threw up a dandy of a number for this month's Legend stroke play. Just this morning my score was tied by a Tour Legend (not Legend). And, yet everyone else in the tournament is a Legend. I also noticed that this same individual has also competed in this month's Tour Legend Stroke play. What am I missing here? Because we all know that I'm not eligible to enter in the Sept TL stroke play tourney. Confusingly yours, 

  • WGTShamWow
    925 Posts
    Sun, Sep 29 2019 9:01 AM

    If someone enters a tournament and then tiers up while its running, it will show them being their current tier but they will be in the tournament tier they entered in. So if you entered that tournament and moved up to Tour Legend, you would still play in the Legend tournament you entered as a Legend. Hope this explains what happened!

  • LennySkynyrd
    21 Posts
    Sun, Sep 29 2019 1:53 PM

    Thank you ShamWow. I certainly did consider this (albeit, a huge coincidence if occurred). That said, below is from this individual's recent score history. Note the entry for the TL Tier Open was on 9/24....while the Legend Tier Open was on 9.28. I don't recall an option where I can save one tournament midstream to go and compete in another (w/o of course finishing the first tourney) Am I still missing something here?

    09.28.19 September Legend Tier Open Full 18 Legend 61

    09.27.19 September Multi-round Open Merion & Pebble Beach Back 9 Tour Legend 29

    09.26.19 Oakmont Championship Full 18 Legend 53

    09.24.19 September Tour Legend Tier Open Full 18 Tour Legend 59

  • hpurey
    11,514 Posts
    Mon, Sep 30 2019 8:59 AM

    Am I still missing something here?

    Just a hunch here, but the player in question could have signed up for the Legend tier Open before he promoted to Tour Legend.  Since the tourney started 9/1 and he moved up to TL on 9/4, thus playing the tournament on 9/28 before it ended as a TL.



  • claremoreblue
    2,322 Posts
    Mon, Sep 30 2019 10:49 AM
    I guess it's never over till it's over lol. Grats on second if it holds! The player you speak of is aweful good for only playing 18 month's lol. Some learn quicker than other's I guess!
  • LennySkynyrd
    21 Posts
    Mon, Sep 30 2019 11:18 AM

    Yes. The player did do that. Wgt support confirmed that. For me the issue is what? The player "dipped down" at the chance of garnering more credits (btw...player is also tied for 5th in the TL monthly tourney). I have absolutely no issue with anyone posting a great number. Happy to compete! And, happy to lose if bested. As long as I don't have to do it in a Legends tourney against a TL. Wgt can make all the excuses they want. But it just doesn't add up. The moment this individual completed the TL Tier tourney (which was 4 days before he even played in the Legend Tier tourney), Wgt should have credited his account for the Legend Tier entry and be done with it. It's that simple. Anything else is an unfair and unethical proposition. As I've always read in these forums, Wgt appears to do very little to police things. All about charging those fees, I guess. :-)    

  • WGTShamWow
    925 Posts
    Mon, Sep 30 2019 4:40 PM


    Am I still missing something here?

    Just a hunch here, but the player in question could have signed up for the Legend tier Open before he promoted to Tour Legend.  Since the tourney started 9/1 and he moved up to TL on 9/4, thus playing the tournament on 9/28 before it ended as a TL.

    That would be my guess as well. Its not super clear when signing up for a tournament but if you sign up, confirm entry, you don't have to hit the play link that shows after, you would still be entered in the tournament but free to start it whenever you want. I think they (the devs) initially put the play button right there after entering so people would enter and immediately play instead of registering and possibly forgetting that they entered, so this possibility gets skipped over a bit. 


    Yes. The player did do that. Wgt support confirmed that. For me the issue is what? The player "dipped down" at the chance of garnering more credits (btw...player is also tied for 5th in the TL monthly tourney). I have absolutely no issue with anyone posting a great number. Happy to compete! And, happy to lose if bested. As long as I don't have to do it in a Legends tourney against a TL. Wgt can make all the excuses they want. But it just doesn't add up. The moment this individual completed the TL Tier tourney (which was 4 days before he even played in the Legend Tier tourney), Wgt should have credited his account for the Legend Tier entry and be done with it. It's that simple. Anything else is an unfair and unethical proposition. As I've always read in these forums, Wgt appears to do very little to police things. All about charging those fees, I guess. :-)    

    If it makes any difference, when they played they wouldn't have had any advantage being moved up to Tour Legend. The game looks at them like a Legend in the tournament because that's what they entered the tournament as. So both you and that player would have been playing on the same playing field. 
