You could put in an option for a ;longer shot clock in head to heads. 99% of the mobile players would decline it tho.
so good luck finding a game more than once every 20 minutes.
There are some regular players in Bellagio that virtually max out the clock every shot. I don't know their circumstances and Im ok with it. Because i tihnk that 45 seconds is plenty of time for most people and most shots.
HOWEVER... i don't want to be forced to play coin games with people if they had 60 seconds. Because there's just too many that would max that out too simply because its there..
if i want some social time and slower play then I'll go to alt shot on PC. I enjoy that too.
There are many different ways to play this game. If you don't like something or something doesn't fit your style then find another method that does or avoid what you don't like.
Example: I think Unlimited play tournaments are the dumbest thing in this game.. So i don't play in them. But obviously there are plenty of people that don't have my same opinion.
The point here is that if you don't like some aspect of the game but the majority of others do then focus your play time in another area. Don't try to fix what most others see as unbroken.