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veteran & higher level player feedback section

Wed, Nov 13 2019 3:28 PM (146 replies)
  • AgentBrown123
    907 Posts
    Thu, Oct 3 2019 2:53 PM

    Hey Paul, thanks for including this post in the correct thread. I wasn't able to reply because I'm on the mod list.

    I wanted to post this here so I can edit post more easily and add veteran and higher level players feedback suggestions to the list below. I have a couple more I added already.



    I have some concerns I hope you guys at wgt will address.

    I'm really hoping wgt will put in the effort to get this new downloadable version to look, feel, and play as close as possible to the flash version. What made this game great is the subtleties in different courses and the greens in the flash game. I really hope that it's not just a new version/ variation of the mobile game but a copy of original flash game as much as is possible.

    If the game moves too far from the flash version I fear you are going to lose many of the veterans in the game. And the veterans keep the lower level players motivated to get to that top tier in the game. I think it's very important to the longevity of the pc version. I wish wgt would have done a closed beta and taken the input of the veterans and top players of the game before releasing the first version. But we can still make this a very good platform replacement if wgt will hear us out on this.

    I'll preface by saying you're likely aware of many of these points. I know it's just a port of the mobile game at this moment. Here are  some things I've noticed so far after playing this new standalone game:

    1. The grids on greens don't look anything close to flash version and clicking on the grids do different things.

    2. The dots on putting greens generally move much slower on bigger breaking putts than the flash version and at many times are just inaccuratee. This is my biggest worry is that putting in this standalone pc version will never be similar or the same to the flash version.

    3. Being able to have a minimized (full) screen, so you can easily access calculator for putts etc.

    4. Ability to click on flag in map in upper right hand of game in flash to adjust aim. There were specific movements each pixel you moved mouse that would result in a consistent 2-5 ish yards depending how far away from pin your were. This is very useful for us players that don't want to use aids such a ruler to get accurate wind setting

    5. It seems everything is way too zoomed in compared the flash version.

    6. The way to click on camera angles is different than flash version and it has different views.

    7. Golfer avatar is way too big and cartoony looking, please keep the cartoon look for mobile. It makes the game look fake and cheap. Would much prefer the look of the player avatar in flash version.

    8. Keep the avatar movements you get in flash version when decreasing the power. I'm one of the players that soley uses this method for wedges and iron shots and don't go by percentages from shot pal.

    9. The ball is way too big in the air.

    10. Allow the mouse wheel to scroll through putter increments and club selections.

    11. Reverse chip view for reading greens is my go to in flash version. It's totally broken in pc version the dots barely even move.

    12. Copy the look of the flash version as far as all the hud placements of the wind gauge, meter, club selection and graphics.

    13. Correct the forgiveness level on drive and approach shots to match flash version. It's way too forgiving.

    14. Missing the ding on putts does very little to the line of  putt making it hard for missding style putters.

    15. Match the size of the ding line on mobile to the flash version. It's much bigger in flash. Ding rates by top ayers used to be low to mid 60's percentage. Its now anywhere from single digits up to 45 at best.

    16. The backswing in the meter requires twice as much mouse movement to get to the top of the swing. It's like in slo-mo.

    Other feedback:

    1. Please add in higher resolutions for 2k and 4k monitors.

    2. I'm having various issues with my stream feed where it's not showing full screen but a portion of screen, only happens with wgt pc version.

    3. Make the heart beat occur only when approach shot stays 2 yards or closer to hole.

    I'm sure there is more I'm forgetting, I'll update here if I think of anything more.

    Although these may seem like trivial issues to you all at wgt. I think it's important to keep the these small details in the pc version. The putting being the most important by far. I streamed my experience on twitch which can be found at:

    There are two videos one over an hour and one at around 30 minutes. I hope you'll take a look.

    Thanks for including the community in this Wgt. And thanks for all you do Icon and wgtchampion. Hoping the pc version carries the torch and keeps the tradition alive of the flash version well into the future.


    AgentBrown123 aka Jon

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Thu, Oct 3 2019 4:38 PM

    8. Keep the avatar movements you get in flash version when decreasing the power. I'm one of the players that soley uses this method for wedges and iron shots and don't go by percentages from shot pal.

    I do, religiously, have ever since I read Nivlac's primer in 2009. It has been my biggest fear of any change away from what it is and now it's fact. I doubt very seriously if we'll ever see avatar moves again so I either adapt or move on.

    Fortunately, there's a nice feature of the PutterPal-the moves coincide with the hash marks. It's not exact but close enough to make the learning curve really small. With full shots, the very first move is always at the last hash mark. And just as the backswing is not linear, the proximity to the hash mark on succeeding moves changes. It's easy to see. Play rounds with the Shot Pal and PP on and watch how they relate to the moves. It's quite doable.

    As for what I think would be sufficient to make this work, for me it's simple-just reconfigure the proportions of what we see on PC. The pic below is of the tee shot on Kiawah #1 as seen from both versions of the game. These are PRTSCR shots with no cropping.The new version is on a smaller screen (bigger black bars on the side) with a larger meter and smaller, reversed, hole/round/player info.

    Some obvious instant fixes.......

    1. Swap the player/hole info or make the hole info bigger
    2. Shrink the meter height , ditch that ball effect and lengthen the meter. Put it up by the name if you must, just get it away from the ball.
    3. The inset is too small and doesn't let you aim in it.
    4. You can't scroll clubs, you have to physically select them. Too many clicks for something that simple.
    5. The backswing in the meter requires twice as much mouse movement to get to the top of the swing. It's like in slo-mo.


    I have no clue what it takes to make this and the other things necessary happen given the mobile players that play on much smaller screens but in my layperson mind, if they can DL this game format (where mobile doesn't require it) to us why can't it be a specialized version with the necessary files? Or maybe that's already in the plan.  :-)


  • TopShelf2010
    10,976 Posts
    Thu, Oct 3 2019 4:42 PM


  • AgentBrown123
    907 Posts
    Thu, Oct 3 2019 5:10 PM

    Yeah I know about shot pal :p

    Honestly I just much prefer the avatar moves as it seems much more natural and less 'aid' like but is one thing we could live without I suppose. Would really like to have it, am I the only one?

    You made some good points.

    Keep on adding them guys

  • JimbeauC
    5,835 Posts
    Fri, Oct 4 2019 5:34 PM

    I advocate the original statement above - the dots are just inaccurate!

    Definitely agree. I'm just hoping that with a little over a year to fix it, that they will.


    Has anyone looked at the green view option in putting? I checked it out a bit today, and it seems flawed. Once again, over a year to fix. I'm intrigued in that you get both up/down and left/right advice in one screen. Looks to me like if they can fix it, it would be a more natural way of looking at putts. 

  • JFidanza
    1,676 Posts
    Sun, Oct 6 2019 10:10 AM

    I've observed much info from the pros like fmags and others, and speaking of the dot movement (on PC version) I would conclude that the dot speed is relative to the camera angle and not always the position of the avatar.

    As obviously observable, the avatar is not always lined up with the camera angle.

    On the tee, the avatar IS almost always lined up properly w/ the camera. On the FW and on the approach, and on the putting green the avatar may be skewed DIFFERENT from the camera angle.

    This creates a 'parallax' and like the WIND DIRECTION INDICATOR the green dots may be misconstrued. The wind vane isn't always relative to the mini-map position (sometimes it is) or the skewed avatar position, it may be the same for the dots and the position on the green.

    When the putt camera IS lined up w/ the perpendicular avatar you will get a true reading, but any skewing of the avatar will create a mis-read of the putt, as further explained by the real pros (if you find the old threads)

  • DonCaron
    5,502 Posts
    Sun, Oct 6 2019 3:22 PM

    I've observed much info from the pros like fmags and others, and speaking of the dot movement (on PC version) I would conclude that the dot speed is relative to the camera angle and not always the position of the avatar.

    We have been missing you around these parts , I hope you come back to us

  • JFidanza
    1,676 Posts
    Sun, Oct 6 2019 4:57 PM

    I'm playing about 3 other golf games lately. The response on the controls on these other golf games is spot on. Being a long time drummer, I'm into specific timing and control.


    After now trying the WGT mobile version, again, now using the ANDY emulator. (pretty good emulator, I play another golf game on it) I found the game is still lacking the control and response.

    So, again, I tried it in the browser. But it seems WGT has changed. Not only the way it looks (I can compare it to the videos I made on twitch and youtube many years ago) but the response has totally changed. I found myself pounding the mouse usually. Not the problem with the other golf games, as I said.

    If people like playing the game, please enjoy. Maybe I'll get my windows vista up again because I like how it ran on vista compared to my upgraded win 10.

    I've promoted and streamed WGT on twitch long ago, and have many fond memories of the people here and in the game, so I will continue to add support, but the control I need from a golf game is just not there, not now.

    Hope you are doing well. I am still a golf game addict, for many decades now. heheh