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Fall Showdown: THEIR Forfeit Affects MY Score?

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Fri, Dec 18 2020 2:00 PM (58 replies)
  • AndrewPadgett
    66 Posts
    Mon, Oct 7 2019 9:49 AM

    Ok... this is weird. Started the Fall Showdown against another Legend, and the guy forfeits after losing the first hole.  So, I play out my three holes, parring both 2 & 3. My scorecard shows BOGEYS for those two holes, apparently because HE didn’t finish them.  That’s how the rules appear to read as well... and that is some major league bs right there

    Anyone else run into this?

    SUGGESTION: if a player forfeits during a Showdown match, auto fill their scores at the max of 10 for each hole.

  • WGTChampion
    1,917 Posts
    Mon, Oct 7 2019 11:00 AM

    That's certainly not how it was built to work. 

    When playing a Showdown round, if your opponent forfeits the remaining player is able to continue and finish their round so that they do not take bogeys for not playing the holes. 

    We're looking further into it and in case you don't qualify because of the issue I refunded your Showdown entry. 


  • AndrewPadgett
    66 Posts
    Mon, Oct 7 2019 11:06 AM
    Thanks for looking into this further. I appreciate the entry refund
  • crackmarcos2008
    1 Posts
    Mon, Oct 7 2019 2:17 PM

    Yo terminé los 3 hoyos despues que mi rival abandonó y me dieron todos bogeys...qué cukpa tengo yo si mi rival abandona???...espero que lo solucionen porque así no tiene sentido jugar. Empecé con -2 Y terminé con +4 porque mis 2 rivales abandonaron

  • el3n1
    4,514 Posts
    Mon, Oct 7 2019 6:36 PM

    Not only does the forfeit potentially effect you, if you get timed out because of your opponent giving up and you get knocked out of the game then your score is effected and you are charged a bogey for not being able to return to the game and finish your round as it was supposedly designed to operate.  The additional stroke assessed is potentially far more problematic and a measly 100 coins.  

    Furthermore, it is absolutely ridiculous to force players who typically play in higher stakes rooms to slum it in the 100 coin buy in and play hacks or players still learning and getting their feet wet in the lowest stakes coin game available.  While they may be going off their forward tees and potentially starter gear it is the idea … and depending on the person, they then get upset or annoyed that a higher tier player with high end gear is playing all the way down in such a low stakes room.  If there is an option to alter that, I would really like to know, but it appeared to be my only option. 

    Some if not all of these players may be trying to build their coin bankroll by competing against their peers... forcing higher tier players who typically play in higher stakes is a very poor design choice in constructing this event if there really is not an option to choose a different coin room to begin the event.  

  • SimonTheBeetle
    3,762 Posts
    Mon, Oct 7 2019 7:37 PM


    That's certainly not how it was built to work. 

    When playing a Showdown round, if your opponent forfeits the remaining player is able to continue and finish their round so that they do not take bogeys for not playing the holes. 

    We're looking further into it and in case you don't qualify because of the issue I refunded your Showdown entry. 


    Not that I care much but will this be addressed and fixed before the 2nd round of it?

    I was fortunate enough to have my matches with three gentlemen who were nice and cheerful, not bitter or jealous at all about their opponent happening to play better that time. They were true class acts!

    There isn't, however, a guarantee that I would end up paired with these kinds of good sports next time.


    Yo terminé los 3 hoyos despues que mi rival abandonó y me dieron todos bogeys...qué cukpa tengo yo si mi rival abandona???...espero que lo solucionen porque así no tiene sentido jugar. Empecé con -2 Y terminé con +4 porque mis 2 rivales abandonaron

    Claro que vos no tenes ninguna culpa.

    Como ya podes ver, este es un problema conocido, por lo que el WGT seguramente hará algo al respecto. Dale... Tene un poco de paciencia, Marcos.

  • Eaglebub7
    439 Posts
    Mon, Oct 7 2019 9:05 PM


    Ok... this is weird. Started the Fall Showdown against another Legend, and the guy forfeits after losing the first hole.  So, I play out my three holes, parring both 2 & 3. My scorecard shows BOGEYS for those two holes, apparently because HE didn’t finish them.  That’s how the rules appear to read as well... and that is some major league bs right there

    Anyone else run into this?

    Yes, this exact thing happened to me this evening.  I did not bogey any holes, yet my scorecard shows bogeys on 2 and 3.  I had a TP that forfeit, did so after his 3rd shot (1st putt) on par 3 at WC, which was our 1st hole.  On my 3rd round, my opponent timed himself out on the 1st tee, which did not effect my score.

  • bossbird
    2,262 Posts
    Tue, Oct 8 2019 1:28 AM

    Ok , I see the problem , when playing against someone who isn’t playing well , instead of them putting in a rubbish round they forfeit in such a way so as the not allow me to continue , so my low score doesn’t count , that’s not right is it ! I should be allowed to at least play out my round and them forfeiting should prevent them from putting in another three holes they should be bogeyed for those three holes . There is far too much forfeiting going on in the coin rooms and this might start to re-educate people that it’s not the done thing ! 

  • el3n1
    4,514 Posts
    Tue, Oct 8 2019 6:05 AM

    when playing against someone who isn’t playing well , instead of them putting in a rubbish round they forfeit in such a way so as the not allow me to continue , so my low score doesn’t count

    yes and no.  I think... the score still counts but you are assessed a bogey for any uncompleted holes.  I was 3 up after 2 holes and playing the final hole and maybe less than 50y to the hole after drive on WC as the holes play so short with sponsor gear.  -- game closes, I can't get back in time and I am now assessed a bogey this is a major scoring swing when I easily par and likely even birdie the last hole.  

    now in a previous match, my partner forfeited the standard way, I noticed they forfeited and the game as it is designed took me back into the game to play my last hole.  This is suppose to be how it is designed.

    In the first instance which has been a problem for eons and been reported, continues to happen even in regular coin games but at least your scoring in an event that has larger ramifications on tracking your scoring takes place.  So this is very problematic.  Maybe this could be resolved by extending or allowing a longer timer for shots if that is what is partly responsible but I don't know for certain.

    in regards to the other topic I mentioned of being forced to play lowest stakes... this may or may not be just another example of how the game is not always obvious you are suppose to find a way to change which level you enter, but I don't know... someone in my club mentioned there may be options to alter which level you start at by selecting something like beginner, veteran, expert... but it is not or was not clear whether you have to earn those rankings or you can self select with a touch/tap option to skip or jump to a higher level.  

  • bossbird
    2,262 Posts
    Tue, Oct 8 2019 6:20 AM

    I take on board every thing that you have said , but for a couple of things .

    however they forfeited , I couldn’t continue the game just closed and I wasn’t even awarded a bogey on the last hole, no score was recorded I had to play again.

    and secondly I think you can play as a veteran or expert but see the credit entry fee goes up high, precluding me and probably many others.