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Fall showdown

Fri, Oct 15 2021 8:23 AM (39 replies)
  • BOZskills
    417 Posts
    Mon, Oct 7 2019 9:50 AM

    Fall showdown. Still trying to figure it out,but i like it! One suggestion would be to match tiers. As the first 3 holes i played was againist a tp who took forever,each shot was life or death apparently.

  • andwhy67
    2,816 Posts
    Mon, Oct 7 2019 1:55 PM

    Without a P.C at the moment and have been ‘tinkering’ with the mobile app. Won some coins and ‘tarted’ myself up with apparel, just for looks, don’t get this apparel boost stuff, but on some courses my 291 Titleist driver is saying 296.

    Played the Fall Showdown, good fun actually.

  • bossbird
    2,240 Posts
    Tue, Oct 8 2019 12:59 AM

    Trying to play the fall showdown , was one up against opponent, putting on the third , he forfeits and I just get the wheel going round and round , so cancelled out the game expecting to be able to get back to saved game , no saved game , I don’t want to have to pay another 100 credits , is that the end ? 

  • SimonTheBeetle
    3,660 Posts
    Tue, Oct 8 2019 1:06 AM


    There's already a thread about the issue.

  • flatstick96
    228 Posts
    Tue, Oct 8 2019 8:25 AM

    I don't quite understand the point of the Fall Showdown.  Essentially we're being asked to pay credits (which have real monetary value) for the privilege of playing coin matches (which are otherwise always free to play), for which the prizes are (primarily) coins & apparel (neither of which have any real monetary value, and both of which can be won fro free anyway).  

  • el3n1
    4,505 Posts
    Tue, Oct 8 2019 11:06 AM

    for which the prizes are (primarily) coins & apparel (neither of which have any real monetary value

    I may be wrong if I am not interpreting the prizes correctly, but it does appear that credits and balls are included in the prizes being awarded to at least the top 10, which is pretty much where the top credit awards go in the ready go's.  

      Now, I don't know how competitive or tough it will prove to be, but it may be similar to the challenge of finishing in the top 10 of the weekly "Division" where the top 10 places currently only offer "silver coin rewards".  

    It is not clear what type of ball but they appear to be included in the top 10 prizes.  Being able to win balls to replenish ball hits in coin games is something we have never been able to do before, let alone allow the coin room specialist a chance to use their sponsor apparel to win credits (which do carry value).

  • SIKDad
    33 Posts
    Tue, Oct 8 2019 1:02 PM

    I think it is ridiculous that Legends and Tour Champions can play in the Veteran tier.  I chose the Veteran tier as a Tour Master and the top 10 positions are Legends or higher.  Complete BS.  

  • flatstick96
    228 Posts
    Tue, Oct 8 2019 3:58 PM

    Right - top 10 get their "money" back.  If the player pools are small enough, that might be fine - I initially thought it was ONE player pool of ALL entries, which would make finishing in the top 10 something of a fool's errand for most of us.  They don't define the size of the player pools, as far as I can tell, so it's hard to know for sure whether it's "worth it".

  • DarthMo0
    43 Posts
    Wed, Oct 9 2019 6:33 AM


    for which the prizes are (primarily) coins & apparel (neither of which have any real monetary value

    It is not clear what type of ball but they appear to be included in the top 10 prizes.  Being able to win balls to replenish ball hits in coin games is something we have never been able to do before, let alone allow the coin room specialist a chance to use their sponsor apparel to win credits (which do carry value).

    You can view the prizes and tap on the ball and it shows they are L40 Titleist Pro V1, 675 Cr.

    While it's nice to be able to win something of actual value, it's kind of pointless to win balls that you don't normally use.  For anyone capable of finishing high in the tournament, he or she has honed his or her game around a specific ball.  So winning a random ball, be it better or lower quality than the one typically used, doesn't do much for me.

    I understand giving out high-end balls as a bonus when you purchase credits that you were going to anyway as a form of advertisement, it is a business.  But when we're posting credits to enter a tournament, if you place where balls are a prize you should receive the same balls that you used in said tournament regardless of their in-game cost.

  • harpski1
    107 Posts
    Wed, Oct 9 2019 9:15 AM

    Disregard, edited, incorrect info