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Turf wars

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Sat, Nov 9 2019 12:11 AM (16 replies)
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  • bossbird
    2,263 Posts
    Fri, Oct 11 2019 11:25 AM

    i have said it before and expect I shall say it again , I am owner of level 8 club with me and my director as members. We like being small , that’s not the issue. The issue is that since the last clash we have triggered 4 turf wars , three have been level 19 and one level 20  ! 

    I think WGT do not want smaller clubs to compete in the clashes or indeed turf wars otherwise the draws would be fairer. 

    I am just voicing my total frustration , yes we could take on more members , yes we could join a larger club , but actually all I want is the chance to compete with similar level clubs , even if they have lots of members we would have a chance, this current system doesn’t give us a chance. 

    What do you have to say to me , please WGT ?

  • bossbird
    2,263 Posts
    Fri, Oct 11 2019 11:31 AM

    Of course on a positive note I will be saving lots of credits by not buying passes or having to buy so many balls ! Lol

  • TopShelf2010
    10,976 Posts
    Sat, Oct 12 2019 1:53 AM


  • bossbird
    2,263 Posts
    Sat, Oct 12 2019 5:40 AM

    Top shelf, I won’t during a turf war that is such an uneven match ! I normally don’t buy passes during a clash I don’t need to with all the supers that we have ! Lol

  • TopShelf2010
    10,976 Posts
    Sat, Oct 12 2019 6:43 AM


  • bossbird
    2,263 Posts
    Sun, Oct 13 2019 3:19 AM

    Another turf war just triggered another level 20 , this is getting ridiculous ! Wake up WGT , make things fairer ! 

  • borntobesting
    9,788 Posts
    Sun, Oct 13 2019 4:10 AM

    Your complaint makes no sense. The fact is no matter what level CC you draw in a Turf War you are at a distinct disadvantage that is your own fault. Even a level 1 CC with more than 2 members can beat you unless you use many passes which you claim you don’t do.

    in clashes you do have the 100% participation bonus but still even a low level CC with a lot of active flash players are going to give you trouble. Do yourself a favor if you want to compete and add a few more members. 

  • bossbird
    2,263 Posts
    Sun, Oct 13 2019 7:28 AM

    Thanks but no thanks ! We do perfectly well as we are , but would do better with draws that are a little more evenly matched . You haven’t grasped my issue at all . We like being small , we do buy passes in abundance when we have a chance of competing , I never said we didn’t buy passes , only that I won’t buy them when the draws are so uneven. 

    I certainly don’t need your advice to add members , I didn’t ask for your advice and don’t appreciate it. Thank you 

  • MCalderon402
    348 Posts
    Sun, Oct 13 2019 2:39 PM

    Correct, it is her own fault. Most wars are win with a single bellagio win and a 1 person team can beat a bigger club in both clashes and turf. It is your own interpretation of how you play, where you play, simple enough. Plus winning a super pass gets you a no where closer to winning a clash so just play versus complaining. 

  • Luckystar5
    1,641 Posts
    Mon, Oct 14 2019 4:04 AM

    Turf war draws are suppost to be determined by the number of trophies that your club has accumulated, not by the size, or level of your club.  Your trophy count fluctuates with the amount of participation of your club members.  Many things play into this calulation, for instance, the time of the year.  Summer time, a clubs membership may play less, because of vacations, family events, or players are out on the real course, playing.  with their people playing less, their trophy count is now down.  The weather changing things, they come in and play on the computer, and now, you get clobbered.

    There is a lot of pros and cons to having a small club, playing in turf wars, and clashs,are definately on the con side, take your licks, and enjoy the pro side of it.  Lots of Luck to you. 

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