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Sat, Sep 4 2021 10:34 AM (15 replies)
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  • bikinigirl24
    313 Posts
    Fri, Oct 18 2019 10:48 PM

    how can i stop a player Wezley216  from  coming in to my cc  wasting  12 cc superpass;s for the  clash  and then leaving

  • DoctorLarry
    4,328 Posts
    Sat, Oct 19 2019 4:12 PM


    how can i stop a player Wezley216  from  coming in to my cc  wasting  12 cc superpass;s for the  clash  and then leaving

    I am not a CC owner, but I believe you can control the use of CC superpasses by time, player status (recruit, veteran, etc.).  Might limit players to recruit status until you are comfortable with them.  (I know, too late for this one, but maybe in the future).  


    BTW - WGT frowns upon calling out players by name so you might want to remove the name from your post.  (I am suspicious of a TC that has earnings of less than $26!)

  • Luckystar5
    1,642 Posts
    Sat, Oct 19 2019 4:33 PM

    set your owners tools, to only allow veterans to be able to use superpasses.  any new members coming into ur club, automatically  come in as recruits.  don't promote him, and immediately boot him.  ( don't forget to promote those that u wish to use the superpasses, to the veteran status)  problem should be cured.   good luck

    btw, I'm a tc, with less than 26.00 in earnings.   Nothing suspicious here, I just don't believe in playing for money, that keeps everything transparent.  

  • DoctorLarry
    4,328 Posts
    Sat, Oct 19 2019 10:27 PM


    .btw, I'm a tc, with less than 26.00 in earnings.   Nothing suspicious here, I just don't believe in playing for money, that keeps everything transparent.  

    No offense intended - except to a certain player!

  • Luckystar5
    1,642 Posts
    Sun, Oct 20 2019 2:34 AM

    Non taken,  then    :^)

  • DonCaron
    5,502 Posts
    Sun, Oct 20 2019 3:50 AM


    set your owners tools, to only allow veterans to be able to use superpasses.  any new members coming into ur club, automatically  come in as recruits.  don't promote him, and immediately boot him.  ( don't forget to promote those that u wish to use the superpasses, to the veteran status)  problem should be cured.   good luck

    btw, I'm a tc, with less than 26.00 in earnings.   Nothing suspicious here, I just don't believe in playing for money, that keeps everything transparent.  

    Good Advice. If someone abuses the Superpasses, I usually change them to a member until I can get through to them not to be a hog.

    Looks like its been taken care of on its own.

  • HackWilson1930
    1,437 Posts
    Sun, Oct 20 2019 7:11 AM

    One thing I might suggest is a better investigation of people requesting membership. Things like "score history" or the friends list can give clues to personalities. Ask questions before accepting them. Biggest one might be: Why do you want to leave The Penalty Box or Flying Tigers after being a loyal member for several years?" Another red flag that I see is that your club has one champion and one tour champion. What attracts a TC to your club?

    Your club came in 57th in the latest clash. Did this former member hurt your standing or did he make it better? Does your club ever leave super  passes unplayed?  Did you tell him that he couldn't uses the passes? 

    This has been a learning experience for you. Use it wisely.

  • borntobesting
    9,803 Posts
    Sun, Oct 20 2019 10:49 AM

    I just don’t understand. Looking at his profile shows he is a member of The Penalty Box and unless he just joined them he isn’t a member of her CC. 

  • DodgyPutter
    4,690 Posts
    Sun, Oct 20 2019 10:58 AM


    I just don’t understand. Looking at his profile shows he is a member of The Penalty Box and unless he just joined them he isn’t a member of her CC. 

    The first post was on the 18th by which time I image she removed him from her CC, he joined The Penalty Box on the 18th.  Looks like he asked to join TPB on the 14th.

  • DodgyPutter
    4,690 Posts
    Sun, Oct 20 2019 11:18 AM

    The first post was on the 18th by which time I image she removed him from her CC, he joined The Penalty Box on the 18th.  Looks like he asked to join TPB on the 14th.

    Hmmm a bit odder than that.

    On the 12th he was at The Penalty Box, 13th Springbok Links, 14th Whitesnake, 15th or 16th (?) Flying Tigers and 18th back at The Penalty Box.

    I'm not meaning to suggest anything with the following, it's just curiosity.

    Bikinigirl, how did he do when he used the superpasses and what CC's did you play against in the clash?


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