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Hitting the ding

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Wed, Nov 13 2019 12:54 PM (16 replies)
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  • Th0maz700
    543 Posts
    Mon, Nov 11 2019 6:49 AM

    Hi all


    I am at a popint now where i can´t improve my game at all, it only seems to get worse. My enemy number one is back, impatience, so i rush my game at times and keep making stupid mistakes, but that is something i need to work with, although in my 49 years i have never learned to handle my impatience...


    But nr two i hope to get help with, hitting the ding... I have tried many balls and the meter speed isall from fastest possible to slowest possible and i miss equally bad on all speeds. 40% to the left, 40% to the right and  20% dings on a VERY good day. Out of bounds is also a practice sometimes when i miss by 1cm, typically to the right. 


    Any input is appriciated, alternative is i keep loosing interest in a game i really like...

  • ScottHope
    10,584 Posts
    Mon, Nov 11 2019 7:39 AM

    Don't be overly obsessed with the ding, it's a marker not a target.

    If the wind is left to right, aim to miss the ding on the left.

    If the wind is right to left, aim to miss the ding on the right.

  • SlickHunter
    1,034 Posts
    Mon, Nov 11 2019 8:16 AM

    I’m the opposite. I purposely miss the ding, it’s either left or right, depends on the wind direction. This also applies to my putting, depends on the breaks. It’s not about the ding, it’s what you practice with good results. In general, this game is easy to learn, but difficult to master. So if your game relies on a ding, it can be really frustrating.

  • ander101
    390 Posts
    Mon, Nov 11 2019 9:28 AM

    Opinions from Scott, Joseph and any others on putters & putting.

    I use the ding line for all woods & irons.

    I off ding left or right for putting depending on break, just always have from day 1,i find i need a putter the has a 10ft scale to start because of T13 greens with extreme down hill lies.

    I used the L72 Nike Method putter for a very long time, and it worked great, but as most people do, look for bigger and better, so i got the Titlest Phamtom X6 L98 and thought this is the holy grail of putters & sold the Nike, shot myself in the foot, on that 1, found it harder and harder to get the hang of the X6, but the Nike was no longer aval. so i went to the TM Spider L77 that has the same stats. as the Nike, but it nowhere as good, also own the TM spider L94+ but sill putt better with the Spider L77.

    So Scott, Others the Phamton X6 has a precision of 5.4 which pertains to moving the aimer and hitting the ding, then the forgiveness would compensate for missing the ding ever so slightly to left or right.

    the TM Spider X L77 has precision of 4 & forgiveness of 3.5 that would seem an off ding putt would be more accurate because the forgiveness would not try to compensate as much because of no ding?

    In closing i would trade all 3 putters i have now to have the Nike Method back.


  • JimbeauC
    5,835 Posts
    Mon, Nov 11 2019 2:40 PM

    hitting the ding

    Even with equipment with high forgiveness and precision and balls with a slow meter, I still only ding around a fourth of my non putting shots. I ding the putter pretty well. The difference is maybe not dinging but just coming close most of the time.

    Really the most important shot to ding is the approach. Hitting it close is the best way to improve putting. (Apologies for the "duh" statement.)


    Good luck.

  • Th0maz700
    543 Posts
    Mon, Nov 11 2019 3:18 PM

    thanx guys, i will try and do some changes and not be so obsessed with dinging.  I will try the advice you all gave me, thanx

  • Th0maz700
    543 Posts
    Mon, Nov 11 2019 4:00 PM

    Well i tried a 9 round at pinehurst and i intentionally missding to the right wich is the place i hit most often. It works pretty well adjusting the aimer... I gone below par on a 9 round wich is the first time for me(i allways play bad at Pinehurst)


  • DonCaron
    5,502 Posts
    Mon, Nov 11 2019 7:09 PM


    Well i tried a 9 round at pinehurst and i intentionally missding to the right wich is the place i hit most often. It works pretty well adjusting the aimer... I gone below par on a 9 round wich is the first time for me(i allways play bad at Pinehurst)


    I only ding about 30% and usually make sure I hit it against the wind and break.

  • hpurey
    11,510 Posts
    Mon, Nov 11 2019 7:53 PM

    Don't be overly obsessed with the ding, it's a marker not a target.

    Yep, had one of my better rounds the other day, think I had 3 dings LOL.  What helped was this....


    If the wind is left to right, aim to miss the ding on the left.

    If the wind is right to left, aim to miss the ding on the right.


  • ScottHope
    10,584 Posts
    Tue, Nov 12 2019 12:54 AM

    Cheers hp.  ; )

    Opinions from Scott, Joseph and any others on putters & putting.
    I would love to help Ander, but I was hopeless at putting when I started this game, and seven years later, I still am. There are many guys/gals on here whose videos I watch where the ball seems to be connected to the hole by a piece of string, so I would wait 'til someone of that calibre comes along to offer some advice.  ; )

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