MCalderon402:Those have been around for a while now
The L101, yes but the L0 with a slow meter of 6.0 I don't believe so, the L101 doesn't even have a 6.0 meter but it has higher distance and spin factors at the same cost... there were a couple new high end titleist balls released --
possibly hoping the lower tier folks will splurge on a more complex ball they have no idea how to play unless they do detailed mapping, which is also expensive to do--
it won't reduce the frustration when they lose them and complain even though they won't realize it was due to their lack of familiarity with a high end ball that can both play longer than expected and much shorter than expected depending on how spin is applied...
even I cringe when I see someone lose a high end titleist on mobile or early access... 4 bucks a ball is salty and with mixed tees and differing wind conditions they can be finnicky to play...
and yet, still I have yet to see a slow meter ball... reduce, minimize or fix those issues that are either related to the game or simply a result of your computer or device impacting the meter -- go ahead and clear your cache though... it still won't stop you from having a sketchy meter at times... but good luck if they try though.