Much of this could have been avoided through better communication. Whether we are use to changes happening without being warned or notified, there are better ways to handle these. If wgt started a thread or messaged all club owners, notifying the community to stop credit farming above a certain threshold, the outcome might have been somewhat different. I know not everyone reads the forums, but a large portion would have heard of it through word of mouth.
Excessive mining would still have occurred, but it might then have been easier for wgt to identify them. Much of our issues and blame in this thread would have been irrelevant since wgt has issued a "warning"
To call the opportunists, "abusers" is also not quite correct. The option to farm credits was available with simply clicking a tab without any notice of a limit on it or t&c's. Whether members used bots or like me use 1 device over weekends for longer times to accumulate credits for upcoming events like clashes - the majority might have been under the impression that we are "making money" for wgt, because they are getting paid per click. If we were alerted of the risks involved to wgt, we might have treated mining differently.
The same lack of communication is still happening. I appreciate the fact that you (wgtchampion) did post 1 or 2 counter arguments in this thread since your announcement, but still we only have a number of 150 Cr (which I think could be increased) with no further info of the time frame or what it entails, in spite of every 3rd post requesting clarity on this.
Then, I, like many others (according to the replies) don't get the 150Cr mined. It took me 3 days now to mine about 150 cr with videos suddenly shown as unavailable after watching 2 or 3. This is the tendency since wgt announced the cap on cr via videos, which makes me wonder if you changed the settings of the delivery stream of videos. If there are 150 Cr available I would like to be able to harvest it.
Also don't underestimate the knowledge of your members, by putting up a post explaining your concerns and the need to change something before just implementing it - you might get loads of options and/or advice from members on the forum. All we ask is to be communicated with and although nothing requires you to do so, it just might make your job much easier. By now you know you have a good product with which you make loads of money, imagine what is possible with advice from your client base and a pool of happy customers.
All the best!