MarchieB, I hope WGT continues to negotiate with their advertising partners. Almost without exception the 150 daily limit has changed players interaction with WGT. Some are finding alternate network games (poker, pool, archery...) to fill their competitive drive. Still more are using cheaper balls to reduce cost to play. Scores in TW and clashes have dropped by what i see. Fewer passes and fewer balls needed. And MUCH frustration with WGT even with Corp position it's what advertisers pushed on you.
I just hope you can find ways to rekindle the fun in playing WGT before people create more permanent changes to other activities. Statistics show it's less costly to keep a customer than get a new one. Please, stop the bleeding. Negotiate higher daily video credit limits OR reduce the cost to play. THAT you do control.
Thanks for listening. I enjoy playing but have seen a lot of friends leave.